Yr 4/5/6

Maths, Skateboarding Clinic, Literacy and Religion

In Year 4/5/6, we have been learning about Tessellations in Maths. Together as a class, we have been investigating how and if shapes can tessellate or tile. 


We have been asking questions about why certain shapes do tessellate and why some shapes don’t. The students have been using materials of shapes that they made to investigate this. The students have been very engaged in seeing how different shapes form different patterns.

The students at St Bridget's partook in a skateboarding clinic. Even though some of the children were scared or nervous to start with, they warmed up to it with the help of the instructors. 

The clinic was very engaging and we had a blast learning the parts of a skateboard and trying a few tricks called a Primo and a 180.

The children even built up enough courage to try and ride the skateboard on the basketball court. Some students were zooming around while others were getting their bearings. 

We all were learning and having so much fun even some of us teachers had a go. 


In Literacy, the Year 4/5/6’s focussed on making predictions in informative texts such as articles. The students were given a news article headline and from that headline they had to predict what would happen in the article given no other information. 

A few of the students thought that it was impossible to get close to what the news article was about but through working collaboratively the groups some students got fairly close to predicting what the actual article was about. The students enjoyed coming up with different out of the box ideas.


In Year 4/5/6, we have been learning about maps specifically location. The students enjoyed learning about what goes on a map and how to use effective directional language to guide their peers to destinations and to plot points on a map based on a set of directions. The students created maps of an imaginary town and plotted at least 5 different locations on this map. The map needed to be to scale and required an orientation. 


The students have also been learning about different parables in the Bible. We recently partook in contemplative meditation of the parable of “The Lost Coin.” (Luke 15:8-10). The students heard the story twice, wrote the story in their own words as well as writing what they thought the message of the story was. The students came up with some wonderful thoughts about the parable like including: when the woman lost her coin and found it again, it is like Reconciliation. That is, when we sin, we move further away from God and we have to find our way back to him by asking for forgiveness.


Kind regards


Mr Jack Cirillo and Miss Maddi Durrant

Year 4/5/6 Classroom Teachers