Student Wellbeing

R U OK? Day

Thursday September 8th was R U OK? Day. This is a very special day that empowers people to connect with others in a meaningful way. Sometimes we don’t realise that the people around us are having an off day or not feeling their best. It is very normal to feel that way sometimes, but we can do something very simple to support someone, just ask “Are you ok?”


Anyone can be a good listener, all you need to do is follow these simple steps:

  1. Ask “are you ok?”
  2. Listen
  3. Encourage action
  4. Check in

It might be a small thing, but it goes a long way to making someone feel like they belong, connected and supported.


We held an event on R U OK? Day inorder to bring awareness to the cause. The staff and students came dressed in yellow, which is the official colour of R U OK? Day. We also asked the children to bring a picture book aimed at 3 to 4 year old children which we could donate to a local kinder we have been working with, Balwyn East Kindergarten. There was also a special sushi lunch that everyone could order.


It was such a successful day, and we managed to collect around 50 books. Thank you to everyone who donated a picture story book.

Kind regards


Mr Tom Brophy

Student Wellbeing Leader