Student Awards

Learning Power Award Recipients

Congratulations to students who have been recognised by staff for their demonstration of one or many of the 6 Learning Powers celebrated at SMDP.

  • Collaboration
  • Curiosity
  • Creativity
  • Reflection
  • Motivation
  • Resilience

On Monday during our whole school assembly, the following students were acknowledged and their learning described so we all know why they are worthy recipients of our awards and applause.


We send out a big virtual clap to the following students.


Week 6



For being a reflective learner who has been taking on feedback to improve his writing! Oscar’s writing has improved dramatically since reflecting on his learning goal to stretch out words and slow down his writing pace to create descriptive and engaging recounts. Well done Oscar!! 


Ashi & Ruvan

For being collaborative learners who worked together on our Museum outing to make sure that they were always safe and right place.  Ruvan and Ashi discovered that it is more fun when you work with a buddy.



For being a motivated learner in her Reading and Writing focus groups this week. Sarah has worked extremely hard to use her sounds to read and write words independently. She has been working towards achieving her goals and has bounced back when facing challenges! Well done Sarah! 



For being a collaborative learner who listens to others, takes turns and shares his own thoughts and ideas. He is a welcoming class member who encourages others to take part and give things a go, always with a smile on his face. Well done Brandon!



For being a curious learner during his excursion to the Melbourne Museum. 

Reyann was eager to wonder and question various artefacts while investigating different parts of the museum. He continued his learning by bringing his further wonderings back to school and exploring these more deeply. Well done Reyaan!



For being a motivated learner who is engaged, focussed and willing to invest time and effort into his learning, especially in the area of Maths. He has challenged himself to achieve his weekly goals with persistence. 



For being a motivated learner when writing her information reports. You have successfully researched and paraphrased information to create detailed reports that demonstrate your understanding of the correct structure. Well done Ayva!



For being a motivated learner who has been engaged, focused and hardworking in all learning activities in term 3. 



For being a collaborative learner in Maths. Your explanations of how to answer fractions problems in Maths display your knowledge and also help your peers. You should be so proud of the learner you are!. Keep up the great work Ira. 



For being a resilient learner who has been working hard to stay focussed and seeking out help when needed. Well done for taking responsibility for your learning, keep up those successful learning habits!



For being a resilient and collaborative learner who understands the importance of struggling through challenges and asking questions to extend his thinking. Giorgios it is great to see that you consistently thrive in challenging learning tasks, by considering an array of different strategies- particularly in Maths. You listen to others' ideas, share your own understandings and ensure that everyone feels valued and welcomed in our class. Thanks for being such a contributing member of the ⅚ community. Keep up the great work!

Week 7



For being a collaborative learner who has demonstrated a fantastic ability to work with all members of the class to complete learning tasks. He tries his best to make everyone feel valued and listened to. He encourages others to take part and give things a go, always with a smile on his face. Well done Aarush! 



For being a motivated learner who has worked hard to maintain focus and attention during learning time. She asks questions, shares her ideas and follows instructions in order to be successful. Well done on being a responsible learner this week. 



For being a reflective learner in Maths. Your reflection in the maths topic ‘shape’ shows that you are developing your knowledge. Well done Alyssa.