Product Design, Digital Technology and Indonesian Report. 

Product Design Technology

Year 8 Scrap Bots 

This term, the Year 8’s designed and produced a Scrap Wood Robot using dowel joins. They focussed on accurate measurement and carful use of tools. They followed the DESIGN PROCESS by INVESTIGATING ideas on the internet, GENERATING drawings, PRODUCING a well made and well finished product and then EVALUATING the success of their production. I was very impressed with the effort they all put in to their Scrap Bots.


Year 9 Cars

The highlight of the year 9 class has been designing and producing cars. They created their own templates, cut the shapes, glued and clamped the shaped wood, cut out wheels using a Hole Saw and used dowel for the axles. The students really enjoyed this project and the cars looked great.

Year 10 Redesigned Animal Footstools 

The year 10 Design Challenge was to redesign a footstall into an animal of their choice. The animal footstool had to combine accurate wood joins such  as: Finger joins, Rebate joins, Biscuit joins and Dowel joins. 

Year 11 

The Year 11 students have been very successful with the Unit 1 Sustainable Redevelopment Project. This is one excellent example of redeveloping an old laptop charging station and using pallets timber to create a fabulous planter for the school.

Digital Technologies 

Year 7 

Year 7A started Term 3 with great enthusiasm and have so far explored the safety concerns and laws related to drone flying. Students investigated areas that are no-fly zones in and around Lara by visiting a CASA approved APP. The image below shows Year 7 students in Term 2 exploring No-Fly zones in Lara area.

Students in Year 7 are currently developing their skills in researching how technology is used in assisting real world problems such as natural disasters. Students will start with developing their understanding of how drones can be controlled using coding. They would move to build on their algorithmic thinking skills and programming skills to control drones.

The snapshot shows a sample program by students in Term 2. 

During the term, students will also develop their skills in computational thinking and algorithm planning. The image below, shows students testing their programs on micro:bits that drives the MOVE motor buggy.

Computing - Year 10 

Congratulations to Jackson Smith, Mika Meneses and Max Lamba for receiving the honours award in Computing. They showed high dedication and applied themselves for various tasks and project work given throughout the semester.

Augmented Reality - Poster submission by students in Year 10 

In Year 10 computing, whilst the majority of students provided their best efforts in responding to the “Bees data analysis project”, the following students received the best response acknowledgement.

Taylor Blick, for “threats and dangers to a bee’s survival.

Cameron Walter, for “best methods to keep water for bees at your home or school”. 

Indonesian Report 

Our Year 7 cohort has made a wonderful start to their language journey, successfully completing their first semester of language learning.  We continue to be impressed by our student’s language learning abilities as well as willingness to embrace new cultural understandings. Our Year 7’s studied classroom language including time in Term 2 and will be focusing on family during term 3.

Our Year 8 students continue to impress and having consolidated the basics of Indonesian last year, have completed Semester 1 successfully by navigating their way through studying Indonesian food and Indonesian animals and their environments. This term they will be learning all about Indonesian schools.


Well done siswa-siswi!


Pak Collier & Pak Orton