PFA  News 

PFA Gift Stall - Tuesday 23rd August

Father's Day is celebrated across Australia on Sunday 4th September.  At Carnegie PS Fathers' Day is a time to celebrate all the important men in our lives - dads, grandpas, uncles, friends, teachers and more!  As in previous years, the PFA have organised a range of beautiful gifts, and children will have the opportunity to select and purchase one of these for someone special to them, on Tuesday, 23rd August.  Gifts will be priced between $2 and $6.  If your child would like to take part in the gift stall, please send a small amount of money to school with them on this day.


Sushi Fundraiser - Thursday 25th August

Our ever popular Sushi Fundraiser will be held again on Thursday, 25th August.  Orders will be open in Qkr! soon, and will close on 23rd August.


Can you help?

As always, we need your support to run these events.  Please keep an eye on the PFA Term 3 SignUp page at and add your name where you’re able to assist.


Next meeting

The next PFA meeting will be held on Wednesday, 31st August, at 7:30pm in the staff room.  It will be our last meeting with Linda, and a chance for us to say farewell and thank you.