Students of the Week- week 5

Monday 8th August, 2022

PrepAnna NFor the awesome effort you have been putting into your writing. We are so proud of you, Anna!
PrepMilla WFor the amazing efforts you are putting into your reading and writing. Keep up the incredible work!
PrepGoldie JFor your kindness towards your friends and standing up for what is right. You are a superhero. We are so lucky to have you in Prep!
PrepAmeya GFor always bringing your cheerful smile to class and showing kindness to others in all that you say and do. Well done, Ameya!
1Darcy WFor always trying his best in every aspect of schooling. His wonderful 'snow' poem really demonstrated his hard work. Go Darcy.
1James BFor looking out for his friend when he was feeling down. You always care for others and ensure everyone feels safe at school.
2DeeDee AFor having a Growth Mindset with your multiplication and challenging yourself to multiply bigger numbers. You are kicking goals!
2Eloise HFor demonstrating great ability to recognise sequences in shape patterns and then solve for skip counting. Keep up the fantastic work!
3Ava YFor stepping out of your comfort zone at camp and being courageous enough to demonstrate the giant swing.
3Miller CFor challenging yourself at camp and settling back in so well to CPS. What a superstar!
3Harvey FFor showing such a positive growth mindset to all the activities at camp. You impressed us all with the challenges you chose!
5Sotirios EThe care and pride you take in presenting your work neatly is to be highly commended. Keep up the great work!!