From the Principal 


As you are all aware our student led conferences are occurring Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon this week.  We are certainly looking forward to seeing as many parents as possible, as such opportunities promote a strong home / school partnership. 

Our students will play a significant role in their interviews. At Carnegie Primary School, we aim to give our students increasing responsibility and ownership for their learning so they can develop into independent, life-long learners. We strongly believe one of the best ways we could involve the students in their own learning is to have them conduct and participate in a ‘Student-Led Conference’.  This means that students in years 3 to 6 will lead most of the discussion between themselves, their teacher and a family member or members. Students in Prep to year 2 will also participate in a lesser capacity.

A ‘Student-Led Conference’ is an authentic way to encourage the students to take responsibility for their own learning, actions and decisions.  This process also demonstrates to the students that we positively support their learning and acknowledges the value we place on their views and the respect we have for their opinions.  It also clearly demonstrates that, together, we will support their learning and celebrate their achievements. Time is made, if necessary, were there some matter that parents particularly want to discuss without their child’s presence. 


Congratulations to Brooke Schiano and Genevieve Murtagh for organising our recent year 3 and 4 camps. The camps were held at Anglesea this year and were even more special given the ongoing overlay of covid and all it brings our way. There was a little rain on a few of the days but this didn’t dampen spirits. 

Hopefully your child shared their adventures with you on their return. From the flying fox to hut building, archery to beach activities students enjoyed a range of activities led by the YMCA and CPS staff. The students were wonderfully behaved and a credit to their families and our school. Our camping program is much anticipated by our students each year and when away from home and their regular pursuits, it is wonderful to see our children making new friendships, supporting one another and thoroughly enjoying the challenges. 

Camps provide an important opportunity for the personal development of our students in a safe and caring environment. My thanks to all staff involved and to the staff back at school that supported the camp by shuffling their normal timetables and yard duty around. ☺ 


We have some lovely news to share with our community. Mrs Langley, our year 1C teacher, and her husband, Dan are expecting a new baby early in 2023. We know Max will enjoy being a big brother and wish them all the best as their family grows.


STEM, or Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics is a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in these four specific disciplines using an interdisciplinary and applied approach. Each has a critical role to play but also enables discovery and progress in other fields. 

With Science Week approaching, we thought it was timely to share this link with interested families. The STARportal has a collection of over 250 exciting activities and programmes for primary and secondary students in Australia. If you click on the link, you will see there are filters that allow you to search via various fields of age and interest. Happy exploring!


In line with advice from the Cancer Council, students and staff will begin wearing their Sunsmart hats from Monday 15th August. Please ensure your child’s hat is washed, named and ready to come to school for that day. This is an important part of our Sunsmart policy. We thank you for your support in ensuring your child/ren bring their hats each and every day.

CPS Sunsmart Policy


Teacher Professional Practice Days – no school for students 

  • Wednesday, 7th September  - Professional Practice Day 
  • Friday, 9th December – Professional Practice Day  

Students will not attend school on these days. Youth Leadership Victoria will run a program on these two days.


2023 Prep Orientation Sessions

  • Wednesday  9th  and 16th  November – 2.30 till 3.20pm
  • Wednesday 23rd  and 30th  November – 11.45 till 1.15pm


During these sessions our 2023 preps will visit our prep rooms and participate in special activities as well as meet new prep friends.  Information sessions are also offered to parents at these times. Further details will be available closer to the dates.


Linda Jones & Karen Bentata-Grimm