
Careers News
Welcome back to Term Three a busy term in the careers space.
We ended term three with Year 10 Work Experience which was a fabulous experience for all students.
Feedback from Employers and visiting teachers was positive, students who participated in the virtual Work Experience, worked hard, and engaged with the virtual experience.
All students will take away new skills and knowledge that built their employability skills and contribute to a suite of skills they can apply to and inform future decisions about employment and study. Congratulation to our Year 10 students.
Term three is research and decision time with subject and course selection decisions for senior school.
For our Year 12 students it is beyond Scoresby decision making time, preparing VTAC applications for future tertiary study and looking at pathways to employment.
I will be meeting with students and running information sessions to research and support decisions. I am available to meet with families and support people who studnets would like to involve in this preparation and decision-making time. Please call me at the school or email to discuss an appropriate time.
I have attached here our latest careers newsletter and the Tertiary Open Day calendar, I encourage students to read the weekly career news and to attend open days.
It is important that you get as much information to support your career pathway decisions attending Open Days is a great way to do this, talking to current students and academic staff who study and deliver these courses is a valuable way to support your decisions.
Ms Bronwyn Haines
Careers Advisor