
Money Talk
On Monday 18 July Year 9 and 10 students participated in a Money Talk.
It explored ways to make money to help build financial independence and how to navigate the workplace including understanding your rights at work and managing superannuation and tax.
During this presentation they delved into the world of work, looking at the different ways and approaches to make money. They discussed their rights as an employee and how to have difficult conversations at work.
Students gained an awareness of their personal brand and learned practical skills including reading pay slips and understanding tax and superannuation.
Years 7 - 9
Year 7-9 students have begun the topic of Measurement. Students have been applying real-life application skills and solving real-world complex problems. Area, Volume, Capacity, and Surface Area have been key concepts which students have been increasing their understanding of.
Students have been excited about getting out of the classroom measuring the football field, basketball courts and solving problems according to the measurements.
Ms Michelle DeBoer
Head of Maths