Senior School Report

Welcome back to Term 3!
I hope that all students were able to rest and recover, ready for the busy term ahead.
Let me briefly introduce myself. My name is Kate Harnetty and I am the Acting Head of Senior School for the remainder of the year.
Congratulations to Mr Corrie on his promotion to Assistant Principal.
Semester Two and particularly Term 3 brings new challenges, with the majority of learning for both Unit 2 and Unit 4 occurring in this term.
For our students, this means that they will need to be diligent and consistent in their revision, to ensure that they are consolidating their learning and are best prepared for future lessons. Consistent revision is crucial; we recommend twenty hours of revision each week to ensure that assessment results accurately reflect knowledge and skills developed.
All School Assessed Coursework will be completed, for Unit 4, by the end of Term 3 and, for Unit 2, by early Term 4. As a result, students will need to be organised and diligent with their study, as they will be completing numerous assessment tasks within a relatively short period of time.
To assist students in their organisation, SAC calendars have been provided and placed on Compass. We also encourage families to be familiar with the assessment schedule to adequately support their child during this busy and often stressful time. If you are concerned about your child’s progress and/or wellbeing, please contact the relevant Year Level Coordinator; we are all here to help and support the students to do their best.
Ms Vicki Manioudakis – Year 10 Coordinator
Mrs Ruth Smith – Year 11 Coordinator
Mr Tom Santos – Year 12 Coordinator
Senior School Information Night
This week a Senior Programs night was held to provide information about study options for 2023. It is at this time of year that information about course selection and extra curriculum material is provided. Changes to the Victorian senior student program in 2023 were outlined at the meeting. Hopefully you were able to attend and found the night informative.
Ms Kate Harnetty
Acting Head of Senior School
Year 12 News
The Year 12 cohort have settled in well for the beginning of Term-3 and working steadily in completing their studies and assessments. Students are encouraged to continue touching base with their scheduled subject teachers and keep requesting the extra assistance.
Year 12 teachers are running additional tutorial sessions every Thursday afternoon, commencing at 3:00pm until 4:00pm. Relevant teachers will be informing students when their specific subject is scheduled.
The Valedictory Dinner for 2022 is scheduled for Friday October 14 at VOGUE Ballroom. It is a special night for all involved. Students and parents are encouraged to book their tables early with the following link:
Mr Tom Santos
Year 12 Coordinator