Junior School Report

Welcome Back
Welcome back to our students and families for Semester 2. We hope that you all had a well- earned and relaxing break over the holidays.
The beginning of a new semester is a great opportunity to take on board and apply the feedback that has been given throughout Semester 1 and in the reports. We hope that students took the opportunity to read through their reports, and with their parents/ carers discussed the areas of achievement and improvements for each subject. Students are of course welcomed and encouraged to discuss their progress with their classroom teachers, and ask for further guidance on how to continue to improve in their studies.
There are a few simple things that parents/ carers can do to assist their child in setting themselves up for success:
- Have a designated homework/ study area away from distraction such as social media.
- Update any stationary or materials if required.
- Check Compass on a regular basis for learning tasks, events and notices.
- Assist with setting up a homework routine. If students have not be given formal homework from the classroom teacher, they should be using that time to revise concepts learnt in class, complete independent reading, and preparing themselves for upcoming tests.
Respectful Relationships/ Challenge Program: Year 8 and Year 9
This term, students in Years 8 and 9 will be participating in the Respectful Relationships/ Challenge Program. The RRRR (Resilience, Rights, Respectful Relationships) program focuses on issues of gender, respect, violence and power, and educating students on respectful relationships and violence prevention as well as supporting others.
The program also offers a range of activities designed to challenge students physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially. This year, students will participate in the following activities:
- Ninja Warrior: An obstacle course which tests student’s physical strength whilst developing teamwork, coordination, discipline and focus.
- Team Building skills: A variety of problem- solving skills which aims to improve communication between students and develop trusting relationships.
- Yoga Mind and Body: An opportunity to practise mindfulness, flexibility, strength and posture.
- Circus skills: Learning a variety of skills which creates a sense of achievement and boosts self- esteem.
- Operation Energize: Encourages students to develop an understanding and enjoyment of exercise through group exercise.
- Cartooning: Allows students to be creative whilst testing their observation and motor skills.
- African Drumming: An opportunity for students to immerse themselves in a different culture, whilst learning the importance of teamwork in order to achieve a shared goal.
This year the program will take place in the final week of Term 3: Monday 12 September – Thursday 15 September.
More information as well as consent forms will be provided to students and parents via Compass.
Year 9 and Year 10 2023 Information Evening
On Tuesday 26 July, the Year 9 and Year 10 2023 Information Evening will be held at the College at 7.00pm. Information on course selection, the Middle School Certificate, and the key dates and requirements for subject selection for next year will be provided.
It is very important for all current Year 8 and Year 9 students and their parents/ carers attend to ensure that they understand the processes which will allow them to make informed decisions for 2023.
Junior School Team
Year 8 Coordinator – Ms Sylvia Wood
Year 9 Coordinator – Ms Su-Nhi Kim
Head of Junior School
& Acting Year 7 Coordinator – Ms Emily Phibbs