Principal's Report

Welcome to this edition of our Newsletter
I hope that all members of the school community enjoyed time off over the recent semester break and you are all feeling reinvigorated and ready for the term ahead. It was great to hear students coming back and talking about their holidays and hear that for many travelling to the country and interstate was evident. Whilst the easing of restrictions has lifted many restrictions, we need to be mindful that we are still in a pandemic and need to continue to sanitise hands, maintain our distance and not attend school when unwell.
I am pleased to formally welcome and announce that our two new assistant principals are Mr Ayman Youssef and Mr Mark Corrie. Mr Youssef brings exceptional expertise having been a very successful assistant principal in several other schools and Mr Corrie has been promoted from his previous leadership role after joining the College in Term 1. We have been fortunate to secure Ms Kate Harnetty to fill the vacated leadership position of Head of Senior School until senior students have finished.
Mr Ayman Youssef - Teaching and Learning, ICT, Assessment and Reporting and Sub Schools
Mr Mark Corrie - Daily Operations, Enrolments, International Program, Buildings and Grounds
Term 3 will see our Senior School students completing much of their coursework and the GAT before their exams early in Term 4, changeover of the semester length subjects at all year levels, the Year 8 Symposium, Respectful Relationships and Challenge Program and Year 9 Camp for Student Leadership, Interschool sport to name some of the events which are taking place.
Information Evenings
This week we commenced the first of our Information Evenings course selection for 2023 Years 9 -12, starting with the Year 11 and 12 evening on Tuesday 19 July. The changes to Senior Secondary Education in Victoria which commence next year in all schools were outlined. I thank Mr Youssef and Mr Corrie for their informative presentations, parents, carers, students, and staff who braved the coldest night this week to be present.
Compass Newsfeed
Please be reminded of the importance of regularly consulting Newsfeed, at times information comes out that requires a late notification. An example this week was the letter regarding recommendations for mask wearing and with the predicted COVID case numbers more messages may be released.
VCE Revision Program
We are proud that our team are continuing to lead the Knox Government Schools VCE Revision Program. This program has evolved and is free for all students undertaking Unit 3 and 4 VCE studies from Knox Government Schools. Further information will be coming.
Mrs Gail Major