Learning and Teaching
Parents and Carers
Subject Selection for 2023
Having such a significant number of students at St Bede’s College is beneficial in so many ways. Being so large creates a strong sense of community and in turn gives us diversity. This diversity presents in many ways, however at this time of the year - and from a teaching and learning perspective - the subject selection process highlights the differing needs and interests of our broad range of students.
As students progress through the years at St Bede’s, selections made better reflect where students see themselves headed beyond their time at the College. Having met with both students and their parents/carers in the past weeks, there is a similarity to our messaging. The following points are repeated in one form or another;
- Subject Selection is a time for reflection and discernment. Choose subjects based on what you enjoy or have experienced success in as well as where you want to go in the future years.
- Involvement of family - parents/carers/siblings - is important in subject selection. Whilst not making the selections themselves, their experience and the questions they have may prompt students to see things differently.
- Use resources that are available. Whilst parents/carers and family may have experience in some subject areas, things change over time. Use the handbook, speak to teachers and careers advisers as well as doing your own research.
The subject selection process endeavours to involve all parties so that the students make the best possible decisions. It is a great opportunity to start ongoing conversations about a broad range of topics including the future, the economy, personal interests, curiosities and what one wants from life. Students sometimes cannot see this, so making these links at this stage of their lives is incredibly valuable. At St Bede’s, we look forward to continually improving the broad range of offerings available such that our students leave the College equipped to thrive in the world beyond.
Habits Rubric
Late last term we took the opportunity to engage with parents on the Habits Rubric. At the same time we offered Staff the opportunity to provide feedback, and will engage with students in the near future. This rubric is used by teachers of all subjects at St Bede’s College to make an assessment of the habits that are foundational to learning and, as such, is an important document in the context of learning and teaching.
At the end of the feedback process, we hope to end up with a document that clearly defines the behaviours that students should aspire to demonstrate and maintain if they are to achieve their absolute best in the classroom at St Bede’s College. It will be made available to families in order to support students become better learners, with teachers able to plan and conduct lessons that cater for students with strong and established learning behaviours.
We are grateful for those who have involved them in the review and feedback process. The beneficiaries will be our students, and the hope is that they continue to grow as learners whilst at school and beyond.
Brenden Mair
Deputy Principal
Teaching and Learning