Literacy and Numeracy

Mathematics - Using Games to Engage Students

Playing mathematics games that require deep thinking is a terrific way to engage students. Often these sorts of puzzles have multiple answers. A terrific skill for a mathematician is to see if they can find all of the possible solutions and to explain how they know they have found all of the possible solutions. 


Check out the range of tasks available at the following website:


I would love to hear which puzzles you and your family have attempted and your responses.


                                                         Josh Crowe

                                                 Mathematics Leader


BOOK WEEK @SJV - not long to go!

From our Library Monitors ...


In week 7 of Term 3, St James will be hosting Book Week


On Monday we will be hosting a Parade at 9:00am, where you can dress up as a character from any book you enjoy. The judges will be Mr Egan, Mrs Kirby and Miss Darvell and they will decide who has the most creative, unique and most authentic outfit. The winners will receive a very special prize. 




Throughout the week (Monday to Thursday)  we will be holding treasure hunts during lunch time. Some Year 6’s will be going around to classrooms during Freggie to read books to all the year levels. On Friday afternoon each year level will get to watch a movie based on a book ( e.g. The Lorax )


We are looking forward to a great week, and especially our Parade which we have been unable to host for the last couple of years. 


Indigenous Literacy Day

On 7th September,  we will acknowledge, raise awareness and some money for Indigenous Literacy Day.  Each student will be asked to bring in a pre-loved book and will participate in 'St James Great Book Swap'.  A gold coin donation is also requested to raise funds for Indigenous Literacy programs.


More details to follow in upcoming newsletters, but for now, if you are commencing your 'Spring clean', please hold onto a pre-loved book to help out with this great cause.

Premiers' Reading Challenge

Keep up your great work and effort with this!  Remember to have all books recorded by Friday 26th August.


Cathy Dimitrakopoulos                                                           

Learning and Teaching/Literacy Leader