Education in Faith

Living the Gospel

Mini Mission Fete Success

On Friday the 29th of July the Year Five and Six students held a Mini Mission Fete that was very successful. We were all very excited for the day, but also a bit nervous as this was our first time running a stall. 

Our stall was named ‘Shake It Up’ and we sold milkshakes. It was lots of fun but sometimes it was a bit stressful as we had a long line of people ordering milkshakes and had to make 5 different milkshakes at a time. 

Some other stalls on the day included an ice cream stall, donuts, slushies, footy kicking and craft stalls. All the students got to wear Free Dress, it was great to see everyone having fun and enjoying the day. 

All together as a school, we managed to raise over $3,300! We raised money for The Black Dog Institute and also for the people in Ukraine who have been affected by the war. We decided on these two important charities as a year level and hope our money can help make a difference in people's lives. 

We would like to thank everyone who helped make the day so much fun and everyone who contributed to raising the money to help other people.

Overall the Mini Mission Fete was an extremely successful and fun day!


By Jennifer, Anique and Ella R - Year 6 students


Confirmation Retreat Day Experience

On the 5th of August, both the year six classes spent a day at St. Johns Mitcham, along with some other sixes from various schools. This day included many activities, rotations and even a musical group by the name of Gen Bryant. Their music crew has about fifteen people, but five of Gen’s closest friends attended and performed religious-related songs in the community hall of St. Johns. The five friends were also running the Confirmation rotations, and teaching students about the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Along with this, the teachers hung up all of the Confirmation banners on the glass wall on the right of the church. If you go to Sunday masses regularly, you can spot out some detailed banners! Finally, concluding the day we had Bishop Les Tomlinson come in and tell us about his journey, including meeting Pope Francis over two times! In our opinion, the retreat day was something different from what we expected, and was jam-packed with fun activities for everyone!

-Alessio and Nic, Year 6


Today we honour the life of St Mary of the Cross

Mary MacKillop was an educator, a pioneer and a leader who had compassion for others regardless of their situation or race. Galvanised by her belief in the value of education as the foundation for a fulfilling life, Mary’s motto was 

‘never see a need without doing something about it’.

This led her to minister in many different ways to those who were poor and pushed to the margins. Mary MacKillop kept her faith in God and bravely challenged those who did not support her vision for a more caring world. Mary is an important Australian who spent her life helping people, especially children. She is Australia’s first Saint.


I wonder how we can live out Mary's motto? 


On the Feast Day of Saint Mary MacKillop let us Pray:


God of compassion, God of all people, we praise you for your servant, Mary MacKillop, who gave her life to serve you in the poor and oppressed. As she is honoured in our world, may we continue to learn to share her vision. Help us recognise, as she did, that the poor of our time will hear the gospel in how we serve them. Be with us as we strive to follow her and carry out our mission of service and care. Amen


Upcoming Dates...





Fri 12th August @ 

9 am

Year 6 Level Mass & Reconciliation

Year 6 students and parents 

Community Centre

Mon 15th August @ 12 pm

Whole School (TBC)

Feast of the Assumption Mass

Year 5s hosting



Fri 19th August @ 

9 am

Year 2 Level Mass

Year 2 students and parents 

Community Centre

Fri 19th August @ 


Whole School 

Prayer Service 

Year 6s Hosting

Year 6 parents welcome

Basketball Court

Sat 20th August @ 1pm


Year 6 students and families

St John's Church

St John's Parish Information and Mass times


                                                         Website:   St John's Mitcham 


Monica De Leo 

Religious Education Leader