
Preps at O.L.H.C


The Preps are learning about Community Workers in their unit ‘Help me if you can!’ On the 22nd of July they went to the OLHC Liturgy of the Mass with the Parishioners. Afterwards, they were able to have a question and answer session with the parishioners about ways in which they help the community.


They discovered that most of the parishioners present helped in some capacity including reading at church, helping refugees, visiting the elderly for communion or collecting food for those in need.


Dear Parents,

In September there will be a liturgy to recognize the important role that Dads, (or significant male role models) play in the lives of young people. I would love to place some photos on a slide show to present at the liturgy. If you would like a photo with your child displayed please email


Faith Leader 

Clare Bisby