From the Principal's Desk

Dear Monty South Community,
Seems as if we have only just started Term 3 but already, we are in Week 4 of a 10-week term. With the Junior concert this week, it is a very busy and packed week at school and the excitement is palpable. Whilst these events take so much extra time and effort on behalf of the staff, the joy it brings to the students is well worth it. There is something different for every child to enjoy and relish. Whether it be athletics, performing arts or the library and visiting authors and book parades, we aim to bring as many differing opportunities to children as possible and I believe we do a wonderful job. I look forward to seeing the Year 1-3 students this week in a wonderful production written by our very own teachers, Andy Coates and Emily Kilkenny.
A thank you must go to Monique Rankin (Leading Learning Specialist) and Clare Iob (Librarian) who organised our recent author incursions. The students were very lucky to have Jane Godwin, Lee Fox and Adrian Beck entertain and inspire them in workshop sessions throughout the day. I have heard numerous stories from parents and staff about their children going home after listening to these authors and wanting to write their own stories. It makes us (particularly Clare Bear) so happy to be able to offer this and motivate children that may not always want to write to do so. It is very special to see.
The results for this year will be available late August/early Sept. It has been announced that NAPLAN 2023 will be held during Term 1 from Wednesday 15 March to Monday 27 March, this earlier time is to give teachers and parents important information about a student’s skills and capability sooner, so that more targeted support can be delivered to improve literacy and numeracy skills throughout the year.
MSPS Achievers
Congratulations to 45 of our students who have been selected as part of the district athletics team for Monty South. The District Athletics will be held on Wednesday the 17th of August at Meadowglen International Athletics Stadium. Good luck to you all.
Mini Athletics Day
Our mini athletics day was held last Thursday for our Prep to Year 2 students. It was a fun morning of sporting activities. Thanks to all the students who had a go and did their personal best and to the Year 6 students who ran the events and made sure it all went very smoothly. Strix house was the winner on the day.
Data Report Conferences
Thanks to all the students, parents/carers for participating in the Data Conferences last week and thanks to all our teachers for all the work that goes into preparing for these conferences and running them.
Our conferences are a great opportunity to ensure parents and the school are working together for the benefit of each student’s education and wellbeing. We understand that the education of a child is a shared responsibility between family, the school, other students and the broader community. This week’s conferences were a great opportunity for parents/carers and teachers to discuss insights into their child’s learning and helps both parties to have a broad idea of the progress of the student, and then plan how to support their education and wellbeing.
If you would like further reading on Family Engagement in Learning you can read the attached document.
Covid-19 update
Face masks – the current covid case numbers are still extremely high within our community. We wish to remind families and students that whilst masks are recommended only in schools, they are still the best way to prevent the spread of Covid-19 (and all the other winter viruses going around) and thereby reduce student and teacher absences due to illness.
Year 6 Graduation and School Captain photo shoot
On Wednesday August 31st, the Year 6 cohort will have a Graduation photo taken and the school captains will also be photographed. The photo shoot will take place in the morning.
Library update from Clare Bear
Book Parade - Wednesday 24th August
The book parade will be held on Wednesday the 24th of August starting at 9.30am. Come dressed as your favourite author or character. It’s going to be so much fun to see what everyone comes as. You can get lots of really good, cheap ideas online; just google Book Week 2022 and the list is endless. There will be no winners on the day as everyone is a winner for participating. Each child will be presented with a participation certificate.
We will hold this event outside, weather permitting, otherwise we will have it in the hall. Parents are welcome to attend however once again we urge you to wear a mask if the event is held indoors.
The staff will be filming our world famous skit to view later in the day. I’m sure the acting will be so outstanding, we will be nominated for an Academy Award!
The Victorian Premier’s Reading Challenge
The Reading Challenge ends on September 2nd. So far out of 667 students, we currently have 34 students who have completed it. Prep to Year 2 students will have their books logged for them by their teacher, however parents can also log them. Years 3-6 are required to log their own books. To log books, once you are on the VPRC website, click on VPRC login. Do not click on Edupass. It will then drop down two boxes for you to put in your child’s username and passcode. See the attached instructions.
This year we will be selecting one child from Prep, Yr 1 and Yr 2 and three children each from Yrs 3-6 who will be awarded with a Champion Premiers’ Reading Challenge badge. These badges will be presented at school by our local member Ms Vicki Ward, to those chosen students who show a great love of reading and dedication to improve their literacy skills.
If you have any queries, don’t hesitate to contact me at
100 Days of Prep Celebration
A notice has been sent to Prep parents advising them that on Tuesday 2rd August they will celebrate 100 days of Prep. Prep students are encouraged to dress in a “100” theme.
Lunchtime Tech Club
The lunchtime Tech Club started last week, run by our ICT/STEM captains. Participants learnt how to code using Scratch Jnr. They had a wonderful time and we look forward to more students taking part in the coming weeks.
Parents’ and Friends’ survey of parents to assist in school fete planning
This week classes with a nominated Parent Representative and a WhatsApp parent messaging group were briefly surveyed asking for expressions of interest from anyone who would like to help plan for a school fete in March 2023. It’s a huge undertaking and without support from the school community, it can’t go ahead.
P&F need people to work on an area they might be interested in; such as organising the entertainment, or food and drink, stalls, the silent auction, or promotion and sponsorship. If you wanted to get a group of parent friends together and work in a team this would be great, or nominate yourself for helping out in a general capacity. The idea is to share the load. If you haven’t responded via your class WhatsApp group or do not have a parent group, please contact
Beyond the Beanstalk Junior Concert – This week!
Additional tickets are now available for families to purchase.
Seeking donations of books – self-help, personal growth, particularly suitable for men
A parent is seeking book donations to support a new library for men recently released from prison. Books on self-help, personal growth, books of a spiritual nature or those supporting personal wellbeing would be gratefully accepted. A box for donations can be found at the school office.
Dates for the diary
- 2 & 3 August - School Concert 6.30pm performance starts (Venue: Eltham High School)
- Year 3 excursion to Melbourne Museum (3C & 3B Monday 8th Aug / 3A & 3D Weds 10th Aug)
- Weds 24th August – Book Parade (during Book Week)
- Weds 31st August – Yr 6 Graduation & Captain photo shoot (approx. 10am to 11.30am)
- Thursday 1st Sept - Father’s Day Stall
- Friday 16th September - Pupil-free Curriculum Day
Term 4
- Monday 31st October - Pupil-free Curriculum Day (Day before Melb Cup)
- Monday 19th December – Final day of school for students
- Tuesday 20th December - Pupil-free Curriculum Day
Leanne Sheean
Montmorency South Primary School acknowledges traditional owners of country throughout Australia and recognises the continuing connection to lands, waters and communities. We pay our respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and to elders both past, present and future.
‘Montmorency South is an inclusive learning community where students are inspired to be respectful, creative, curious and independent learners.’
Our Belief:
We believe that every person in our Montmorency South school community has the capacity to assist each student in attaining our vision.
Motto - Together we learn, lead and achieve