Students of the Week

Monday 25th July, 2022

PrepAmy RFor your wonderful detailed writing and the positive attitude you show to challenge yourself with all areas of your learning. You should be very proud of your efforts, Amy!
1Anika MFor being a kind and welcoming friend to our new student in 1B. You are always thinking of others, Anika.
1Athanasia EFor always making a speedy start to her work. You always concentrate and get your work finished. Great job!
1Eva NFor awesome improvements in your handwriting. You are a super star! Keep up the great work.
2Mayuka MFor displaying wonderful determination and creativity in balancing shapes and equations. Continue shining brightly, Mayuka!
2Eden PFor always being efficient with your school work and coming to school everyday, ready to learn. Keep it up, Eden!
2Molly XFor her hard work and commitment to her learning. Your positive energy is a delight to have in the classroom, Molly. Keep it up!
2Freddie GFor being a positive and happy member of the class. We are so proud of how well you are focusing on your work and trying your best. Keep it up!
3Jagger MFor his excellent mathematical thinking when solving our mapping problems. We loved how you were methodical and logical in the strategies that you used, well done!
3Lucinda PFor making such a wonderful start to CPS.and being so resilient. We are very lucky to have you!
3Aritro BFor his effort when designing and drawing a map of his dream adventure camp. Well done!
3William YFor a fantastic and focussed start to Term 3! We have been impressed with your positive choices during learning time and the great work you are doing! Keep it up!
5Ava RFor your positive attitude and effort towards all aspects of school so far this term. It is always a pleasure to see your smiling face!
5Alana MFor her enthusiasm and engagement in all learning opportunities offered in year 5. You strive to do your best at all times and the way you take pride in your presentation is inspiring.
5AtharvaFor his hard work and love of learning. Your dedication to do your best is so wonderful to see.