From the Principal 


As term 3 commences I would like to take a moment, to thank families and carers for continuing to work with us, in what remain interesting times. Here in our school days we certainly enjoyed reconnecting and planning for a broad range of curriculum activities including incursions, excursions and special events. Ongoing covid cases and sickness still present challenges for us here at CPS as it does at other schools. Time for wellbeing, patience, kindness and understanding needs to occur so we can focus on the positive aspects of our days and navigate the challenges together.


Our 3/4 students are heading off to camp this week and there is much excitement associated with these terrific opportunities as part of school life.  For some of our year 3 students this may well be their first time away from home. Our intensive swimming program commences for all classes in term 4 at GESAC. Such events are pivotal to school life. Children learn much through these programs, not the least being the development of independence and confidence in their abilities.

It is quite reasonable for some students and parents to be a little apprehensive about new experiences but acknowledging these feelings and putting in place positive strategies to optimise the opportunities that await is so important. 

As parents, our role is to love and nurture our children but we also need to support the development of skills and talents in our children so that one day, as adults, they can thrive independent of us. Letting go and allowing active participation in school activities such as camps, swimming, sporting activities, concerts etc is pivotal. From personal experience I know it won’t be long before they are getting their licence and having total freedom of movement, ringing to let you know they’ll be home in the morning or booking tickets to travel overseas to foreign places for indefinite periods and of course one day, moving out of home. Each stage of this journey as a parent does bring joy and happiness tinged with a little sadness at how time flies.


Schools are participating in the 2022 Nationally Consistent Data Collection on School Students with Disability (Data Collection).  This national Data Collection is taking place in all schools across Australia and will provide information about the number of students with a disability in schools, where they are located and the adjustments they receive.

This Data Collection aims to gather information about how many students in schools have a health or learning condition requiring adjustments to be made to support their access to and participation in education. The data collection is not limited to students with diagnosed disabilities, and will collect valuable information about supports provided to a much wider group of students than those previously included in individually targeted disability support programs such as Students with Disabilities. 

The information provided by this data collection aims to gather information to enable all Australian governments to better target support and resources. We have undertaken this for a number of years. If you have any further questions please come and ask.



Enrolments are now being taken for 2023. It is now time for parents with school aged siblings to complete enrolment forms for our 2023 school year. If you are aware of friends, neighbours or relatives who have a child ready to start school in 2023 please let them know that enrolments are now being taken. 

Mrs Bentata-Grimm and I are also available to answer questions or show interested parents and students around our school.


Like all schools, incursions, excursions, camps, swimming, sporting activities etc are highlights of school life and enhance the opportunities we are able to provide to our students. Being back at school this year has meant we have been able to organise many activities to date and others are planned for this semester. With covid and sickness still very much influencing our lives, the planning and organisation of events has been more complex.  At all times we endeavour to keep costs to the minimum and very much appreciate the support of families. There have been occasions where students have been unable to attend, with late notice and this is disappointing for all.  

I do remind families that our policy is to try to reimburse some monies, if possible, but due to planning and advance payment to confirm bookings the amount of the refund will depend on whether any non-refundable and fixed costs have been paid to the suppliers. If you have any questions please call in and ask Karen or myself.



Linda Jones & Karen Bentata-Grimm