Assistant Principal 

Junior Student Wellbeing

Alison Krause 

Assistant Principal  | Junior Student Wellbeing











Congratulations to the incredible teachers and students involved in our musical production. It was truly a wonderful showcase of the dedication and talent within our school. We were delighted to have sold out many shows and thank our community for the support. We have been inundated with praise!


In a few weeks we will hold a ‘Shrek Showing’ for the cast and crew of the production. I will also share the professional photos with families.


For those students who attended and think they would like to be part of a production in the future, please see an Arts teacher to discuss how to get involved. 


Vaping and Young People


Thank you to the families who reached out about the information shared in the previous College Connect edition regarding vaping. We acknowledge that vaping is a widespread epidemic and adolescents are increasingly drawn to it for a variety of reasons. We encourage parents to contact school staff to discuss concerns as they arise. There is support available and it is our priority to work alongside families.


Recap from July edition: The rising trend of vaping is one that many parents are familiar with. For some, it is that their own child has admitted to, or been found, trying it, and others may have heard their child talk about it happening at school or socially. Unfortunately, vapes and other e-cigarette devices are incredibly easy to conceal, and unless parents are aware of what to look for, they may not realise that their child owns one. Some tell-tale signs include chest infections and pain, chewing gum regularly, coughing, throat clearing, shortness of breath, unusual sweet/fruity fragrances, red eyes and a raspy voice, to name a few. Please see the links to some online resources below if you would like to find out more. 


As a school, we have educated our staff about vaping and increased supervision during lunch breaks. We continue to make presentations and provide resources to students, do locker and bag checks as needed, and offer support to families who have sought help for their children. Students found (or suspected to be) vaping are suspended from school and referred for ongoing support. We acknowledge that vaping remains a significant issue and we are committed to working with families to reduce its prevalence at school. 


If you have any concerns about your child or wish to discuss any concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us. 




Vaping resources for families:

Alcohol and Drug Foundation

Australian Government Department of Health

Cancer Council