Legal Study

JCU Legal Studies Conference

On Friday 12th August, the Year 11 and 12 Legal Studies students were fortunate enough to attend the James Cook University (JCU) Legal Studies Conference. This year's conference theme was centred on the 30th Anniversary of the historic Mabo Decision. Students heard from engaging guest speakers such as Kaleb Mabo (Eddie Mabo’s grandson and Anthropology & Archaeology student at JCU), a solicitor from Environmental Defenders Office Cairns, the Regional Director of Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Legal Service Cairns, a Senior Police Prosecutor, and Senior Constables from the Tactical Crime Squad.  Overall, the day was a wonderful experience. Each presenter delved deep into legal ideas that really inspired the audience to ponder powerful concepts.  The day in general was amazing; we are very grateful to attend and hope in future there will be similar opportunities available.



Kobi Sabiston

Year 11 Legal Studies student




JCU Mediation Competition

On Wednesday 17th August, four Year 11 Legal Studies students and four Year 10 EBCC students participated in a mediation competition run by, and held at, James Cook University (JCU). In total there were 10 teams of students from schools across Cairns who’s aim was to direct discussion between two disputants in a neutral and supportive manner. Mediation is a rapidly developing area in the legal industry and participating in this competition allowed us to experience a snippet of what mediation is. Through this competition we all learnt valuable skills and techniques used through mediation, and also received tailored feedback from professional and experienced mediators about our performance. The overall experience was a success and was highly enjoyed by all students. We look forward to having another opportunity to compete next year.





Emily Burton and Ebony Bojack

Year 11 Legal Studies students




BLA Breakfast with the Law

On Friday 22nd July, Year 11 and 12 Legal Studies students attended the Business Liaison Association (BLA) Breakfast with the Law.  The morning started with delicious food provided by Rydge’s Esplanade followed by knowledgeable guest speakers that gave us insight into their everyday lives both in and out of the courtroom. The topic for this event was ‘Humanitarian Law and Rules of War’; this was explained in an engaging way by the first guest speaker, Ms Helen Driscoll, who analysed Game of Thrones in relation to the humanitarian law breached by its characters. The second guest speaker, Professor Anthony Gray, then provided students with the opportunity to give their own opinions in a roving mic session where a past case was discussed and evaluated. This was a great approach to learn about the perspectives and ideas of other like-minded students. Overall the Breakfast with the Law was a great experience and extended our knowledge of the Australian legal system as well as life after school if we were to work in a law firm or similar job.



Claire McKay

Year 11 Legal Studies Student