
The children have happily settled back into the preschool routine and were excited to reacquaint themselves with their friends after the break. This term we are exploring nests and birds after spotting nests in trees, and aeroplanes and flight after children noticing planes in the sky. The children have enjoyed exploring all the new learning areas. They have particularly enjoyed the new camping set up, trying their skills on the obstacle course, turn taking and risk taking as they did some big jumps onto cushions outside. Being creative artists at the making table, and painting beautiful wattle flowers, problem solvers as they built and created magnetic ramps/tunnels, singing and dancing with scarves, exploring mark making at the drawing and blackboard table and reading books in our revamped reading area. The children continue to enjoy their phonological awareness small groups, with a focus on rhyming words as well as continuing with syllables and initial sounds.
Upcoming Events Term 3- Preschool
Week 3
8th August (Monday) Pupil Free Day
Staff will be involved in training, preschool closed
Week 5
23rd August (Tuesday) Book Week Dress-Up day and Parade with school
Week 7
5th September (Monday) Pupil Free Day
Staff will be involved in training, preschool closed.
Week 9
21st September Sports Day with school
Week 10
28th September Photo Day