Student Admin

Book Fair
Book Fair will run in the library in week 3. Please see letter for details.
As we head into the second half of the year, it is timely to remember the positive impact of regular attendance.
At Para Vista School, we continue to work closely as a staff to focus on creating a safe, supportive school environment which promotes attendance and engagement for all of our students. This year of course, has not been without its complexities.
Our 2022 attendance target is 95% but due to higher than normal absenteeism (some COVID related) and lateness, we are below this target. We are optimistic however that with a renewed focus and support from families, we will increase our chances of reaching our 95% target. Our proactive approach through our Attendance Policy supports our families to help rebuild a consistent routine back into school.
If your child is absent, please let their teacher or the school know by providing a written note, phone call or an email. This can be done by calling the office on 8264 9588 or emailing It's a Department for Education requirement that teachers follow up absences or lateness which is unexplained so by notifying the school using the methods above, the follow-up for teachers is a lot smoother. We thank our community who are continuing to value consistent attendance.
We look forward to seeing all of our students in class from 8:40am daily.