Important Notices

Work Experience
Can You Help a Lakes Student?
This year for the first time our Year 10 students will be participating in work experience which will be taking place from Monday 13 September - Friday 17 September.
This will provide students with the valuable opportunity to:
- develop employ-ability skills
- explore possible career options
- understand employer expectations, and
- increase their self-understanding, maturity, independence and self-confidence
The benefits for the employer are equally valuable and include:
- the opportunity to make a positive contribution to the education and development of students
- the opportunity to contribute to the development of students’ workplace skills
- the opportunity to assist young people in their career decision making
- the opportunity to build an ongoing relationship with a student which may progress when the student undertakes a VCE, VCAL, VET in schools program, or working with the employers organisation
If you are an employer and are able to assist in providing such opportunities please contact George or Belinda on 9401 3919.
Song, Dance, Art
and Drama night.
“The Lakes South Morang College is proud to announce the return of Song, Dance, Art and Drama night.
The event will be held in the Secondary Campus Gym on Wednesday June 2nd from 5pm – 7pm.
The cost is $5 per person on arrival the night of the event.
Food, drinks and snacks will be available for purchase before and during the event.
The event will feature performances from students in Years 7 -11 participating in the Music, Drama and Dance programs.
There will also be a fantastic Visual Art display to showcase the wonderful artists and artworks present at The Lakes.
The COVID-19 Public Events Framework has been adhered to. The CovidSafe checklist will be made available to families via email prior to the event. If any students or family members feel unwell on the night, they are advised to stay home
Poster Design: Kim E 9B”
''Mental health is about wellness rather than illness''
Mental health is “a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.” (World Health Organisation).
Having social connections, good personal relationships and being part of a community are vital to maintaining good mental health and contribute to people's recovery, should they become unwell.
1 in 7 young people aged 4-17 years, experience a mental health condition such as anxiety & depression, in any given year. That means mental health is a concern for us all and we can all do something to help ourselves, our loved ones, and others in our community to be well and get well again and back living healthy happy lives.
If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health condition there is HELP available and the sooner you get help the better, below are some phone numbers, organisations and websites to keep near by for use when needed. Or please reach out to the well-being team at the school.
Kids Helpline 1800 551 800
(this is for young persons too)
Lifeline 131114
Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636
Online Counseling:
Well Being Team @ The Lakes Secondary College
Youth Leadership Conference
On Wednesday, the 28th of April, the house captains, school captains and school council student representatives ventured to the Secondary Youth Leadership Conference, held by the Youth Leadership Academy Australia. This was held in the City of Melbourne and was intended to educate and share different perspectives of what leadership is and how it’s used in our everyday lives. Many schools were gathered into the welcoming atmosphere, and encouraged to activate our verbal/socialisation skills and engage in activities with others in our community. Thus, expanding our comfort limits for the better and leading to growth in our communicative abilities. Very inclusive guest speakers of a variety of ages and backgrounds who were connected to the S.Y.L.C taught us valuable lessons through their speeches and even opened up discussions amongst the room to gain more personal experiences, advice and feedback. The lovely crew of this event ensured that each individual that had entered this conference, had left with an open mind for the opportunities to come in the future and an inspired/excited mindset to carry through with good morals and bright ideas. It was extremely influential to observe different skill-based leadership amongst other schools, and provoked us to brainstorm multiple ways to implement the ideas and wants of our community. Overall, The Lakes leaders who took part in this event had a blissful day and are overly motivated to take pride in being good citizens and to pass on the information/knowledge gained.
Kudzi M and Rebeka S – Year 9