Peter Corkill


Dear parents, students and staff,


I write in the midst of Melbourne Covid lockdown 6.0, which has just been extended for two more weeks. This will have deflated many of us, yet we keep rising to meet the challenges as we should. I am so eternally grateful of the work of all our teachers and support staff to maintain their programs online, and so incredibly proud of all of our students who keep going courageously in the face of the inevitable disappointments that come with lockdowns, not the least being the inability to share special time with friends onsite at school, be that in learning or socially.


It has not been an easy time since late term two, when new Covid outbreaks have led to a series of event cancellations which have frustrated everyone. Prime among these were the Reef and Rainforest Trip for Year 11, for the second time in two years, and the Year 12 Formal, which had been postponed from February this year. We have also had to shuffle significant events such as Course Counselling for Year 11s into 12, and Year 10s into 11, for 2022, including the use of online options. The disruption has also meant that Edutest has had to run the written entrance examinations for Year 10 and Year 11 entry in 2022 online, certainly not ideal. And finally at the time of writing, we STILL have no rescheduled date for the GAT, which must be taken by every student studying at least one Unit 3, 4 subject this year. 

Nonetheless despite the challenges, the response of our students and our staff has been again outstanding. The Department of Education and Training has again stressed the need to prioritise check-ins with every student regarding their wellbeing, and our rather unique House model enables us to ensure there is an adult who looks after every student in the school – the House mentor. All 32 of these teachers have been fantastic in this role, and I cannot thank them enough for their work.

Mid-Cycle Feedback from DET on the JMSS’s 2021 Annual Implementation Plan

I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all of our educational Program Leaders in the school for their work. I attended my PCO Mid-Cycle meeting late last week with SEIL Eva McMaster, who did attend one of our Strategic Planning meetings earlier this year. She wanted me to pass on her sincere congratulations, and those of her regional colleagues, to all of those leaders driving our Strategic Plan, especially in the face of the many extra pressures due to the pandemic. She wanted them all to know that DET is genuinely excited by the fact that our work has continued despite the many challenges, which they feel is due credit to everyone here. As Principal I cannot be prouder than to hear that. The catalyst was the Mid Cycle review of our Annual Implementation Plan, which is a credit to our school, despite the challenges we have faced. It is important I share that feedback with the whole community.


Respectful Relationships – Launched This Term

The Respectful Relationships program began in term 3. The program was finalised in consultation with students and staff. A reduced version of the program is currently being delivered to JMSS Year 10 students as part of their Physical Education and Health curriculum here at JMSS. The final model includes six modules in each of Years 11 and 12, and the first edition was introduced to students in semester two this year. 


Tutor Learning Initiative

The TLI program has continued with great success into Term Three. Our performance data suggests it is making a significant positive impact on the learning of the students in the program, and the teachers are also enjoying their work and the difference they are making to the learning of these students. Congratulations and thanks to Greg Sargent for his excellent co-ordination of this program, a huge thanks to all the staff involved, and a MASSIVE WELL DONE to all of the students who have made such significant progress in their learning and most importantly their confidence.


Premier’s VCE Award Winners from JMSS in 2020

I would like to finish on a big positive, celebrating the outstanding individual achievements of several of our Year 12 students in last year’s Premier’s Awards for outstanding performance in the VCE in 2020.  The collection of awards made to JMSS students is the largest and most impressive in our relatively short history. Sincere congratulations to the following students, and of course to all of their passionate and hard-working teachers:

SarahChuangTop All-Round VCE High Achiever 
JonathanPurcellMathematical Methods 
SofyaShcherbakEnglish (EAL) 
ChenWangEnglish (EAL) 

It is also worth pointing out that Jonathan, Vini and Tash are all still studying at JMSS. Jonathan and Tash are in Year 12, and Vini is in Year 11, making these achievements all the more impressive. Congratulations and best wishes to all of these students for their outstanding achievements.


Best regards.


Peter Corkill
