Welcome to Term Two

Dear Parents and Guardians,


Welcome back to another fantastic term of learning at Glen Waverley Primary School. Term One brought many highlights for the level including one of which was our Cultural Diversity week, which saw the learners share their cultural backpacks which encouraged the development of connections throughout the classrooms and cohort. 


This term will again bring many highlights, such as our school swimming program and the National Assessment Program of Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) where they will be tested on the key learning areas of reading, writing, mathematics and language conventions. This will begin in Week 4. 


We are all looking forward to a very productive, rigorous and interesting term of learning,


Important Dates:  

  • 3rd, 5th 7th, 13th, 14th and 20th May - Year 3 Swimming
  • 11th May -NAPLAN Writing 
  • 12th May – NAPLAN Reading
  • 17th May – NAPLAN Language Conventions
  • 18th May – NAPLAN Mathematics 
  • 23rd May – Education Week
  • 25th May – Open Morning and Open Night
  • 14th June – Queens Birthday Public Holiday
  • 16th June, 22nd June – Student Led Conferences 


If you have any other queries or concerns you would like to discuss with your teachers please don’t hesitate to organise a meeting or can send any inquires through an email to your child’s classroom teacher.  Our students’ well-being is always at the centre of our thoughts and actions.