Traffic Management

From Sarah, Principal


Walk When Possible 

We continue to remind families about the importance of traffic management around the school. While we always encourage families to walk to school where possible, if you do need to drive, we ask that you park away from the school and walk safely to the yard.


We also ask that parents and carers obey the road traffic signs around the school and use the crossings in place.


Kiss and Drop Zone



Please be mindful that signage at the ‘Kiss and Drop’ zone clearly states that parents are not to park and leave their cars at this point of the school.


This is a NO PARKING area between 7:30 am – 9:30 am and 3 pm to 4 pm.








Disabled Parking




Please be aware that the park outside of the double gates at Gate 7 (garden gate) is a disabled parking spot. 


This spot must be kept clear at the times stated on the sign to allow for disability access.