

Our STANDOUT student social action group put on a great event  which highlighted the IDAHOBIT day with a cookie competition. The day was a call to action to stand up and celebrate the LGBTI+ community and promote the importance of inclusion and Diversity.


31 years ago - May 17, 1990 - the World Health Organization removed homosexuality from the Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems. International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia & Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) celebrates LGBTI+ people globally, and raises awareness for the work still needed to combat discrimination.


Winner of the cookie competition was Maya Garrett.

Maya`s delicious rainbow cookies were described as “ just melt in your mouth”, “Butter” and  “ oh so sweet” by  the panel of volunteer tastes testers. 


Ms Sharlene (Charlie) Hetherington


YDAS Young Leaders Program.

Applications are open for our June/July school holidays workshops.

14 to 19 year old Victorians can apply now. The program is free and all online through Zoom. You can recommend this program to young people already doing leadery stuff in their communities!

⌨🔗 This is a link to the application form. We can help people apply if they call or book a Zoom chat.


ℹ🔗 This is a link the landing page with more information.


June and July workshops are held on 29 and 30 June and 6 and 7 July 2021. 

Applications close 5pm, Tuesday 1 June 2021.


The workshops are open to a very broad definition of disability. Some people express concern they aren’t eligible, but we’re trying to show people through the social model of disability that we include them in our community. It can and does include identifying as:

  • having a disability
  • having a health condition or chronic illness
  • neurodiverse or autistic
  • Deaf, deaf or hard of hearing
  • blind or vision impaired
  • having lived experience of mental health issues.


Simon Green

Project Coordinator – Young Leaders Program (Tue-Fri) Pronouns: he/him

Youth Disability Advocacy Service | Youth Affairs Council Victoria


Understanding Young People’s Anxiety and living with Covid 19

Please find attached a flyer regarding our upcoming parent webinar, ‘Understanding Young People’s Anxiety and living with Covid 19”.  


The webinar is supported by Knox City Council Youth Services and presented by ARCvic (Anxiety Recovery Centre Victoria)

For more information on the topics included in the webinar please see the flyer attached.