Acting Principal
‘Building Connections’
is the theme for Education Week that will be celebrated next week.
Throughout this week the college will aim to positively profile and celebrate the strengths and achievements of both our students and staff. This year’s theme celebrates the connections between schools and local communities and strengthen bonds with families and carers. It is an opportunity for our college to showcase how connections are being created and maintained. Featuring next week will be our Year 12 Jazz Combo and Prefects who will be organising and running a variety of activities.
The celebration of success and extending gratitude to those around us is key to the improvement of everyone’s health and wellbeing. I therefore would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all our Educational Support (ES) staff who provide key support and expert knowledge that keep our college humming along. To celebrate the work of our teachers a morning tea will be held on Wednesday and four staff will be highlighted in acknowledging their achieving of 20 years’ service to RSC- Kim Hughes, Felicity Mason, Dina Mihailidis and Darryl Stranger. I also extend my gratitude and acknowledge their fine contribution to teaching and learning.
Experiences on excursions and camps become some of the fondest memories of our secondary school years. This year, we’re very fortunate to be able to run several events to enrich learning experiences across all year level such as the Year 10 Central Australia trip.
Work Experience for Year 10 students will be held in Week 10 This is a key feature for student’s future career management. Subject selections will is a primary focus for Years 8-11 in early Term 3 so be watchful for parent information sessions coming up.
This week has been the last of two weeks where online NAPLAN testing occurred for our Year 9 and Year 7 students. Year 10 students have completed the PAT testing and overall, our students completed the tests with little or no issues. The Annual Student Attitudes to School Survey (ATS) has been conducted and this survey will provide the wider community the opportunity to capture and respond to student reflections about their learning. The athletic sports held recently at Proclamation Park were a very successful event held in beautiful sunshine that culminated in such a great atmosphere. I was so impressed with our Year 7 and 8 students who enjoyed the music and novel activities organised by our senior students.
Our environmental landscape is always evolving with the next large scale building project for the STEM Science and Technology on schedule. Planning and consultative processes are underway with Clark Hopkin Clark (CHC), who designed both the Junior school and Senior School buildings. This is a very exciting project that will develop a new focus for the future direction of science and technology.
Maria Allison
Acting Principal