Term 2, 2021 

Year 6 Term 2, 2021

It has been a busy start to the term with a wonderfully moving Anzac Ceremony. We were thrilled to have Year 6 parents in attendance along with our regular special guest from the Beaumaris RSL, Mr Grant Coultman-Smith.  


We enjoyed a our House Cross Country event and are experiencing improvement and success with our Winter inter-school sports.


This term we are continuing weekly ‘The Resilience Project’ lessons and look forward to opening up our Lunch Clubs in different areas of the school to foster wellbeing and provide our students with opportunities to participate in and lead various activities. It is fabulous to see so many Year 6 students demonstrating excellent leadership qualities.



Throughout Term 2 students will produce, in print and electronic forms, a variety of texts for different purposes using structures and features of language appropriate to the purpose, audience and context of the writing. 


We will be focusing on narrative and informative writing over the coming weeks. Students will consolidate their knowledge of structure and will practise a variety of writing techniques to enhance their narrative and informative writing. They will employ a variety of strategies for writing, including generating ideas, identifying voice, organisation, word choice, sentence fluency and conventions.



Students will continue to read, interpret and respond to a wide range of literary texts and reference material in print and in multimodal formats. They will analyse these texts and support interpretations with evidence drawn from the text. 


Reading comprehension skills are continuing to be developed – finding the main idea, recalling facts and details, understanding sequence, cause and effect, comparing and contrasting and making predictions.


Maths Groups

Within our differentiated Maths Groups and Problem Solving Groups, we have been able to target specific needs. This term, the topics in Maths groups include Operations, Index Notation, Fractions, Decimals and Percentages.

5/6 APSMO Group (Australasian Problem Solving Mathematical Olympiad)

The APSMO program continues in Term 2 with the inclusion of the Maths Olympiads and Maths Games competition. This provides challenges and extension for students who demonstrate higher order thinking.

Units of Inquiry

This term we will be working on various tasks as the students explore technology to be presented at their Year 6 Exhibition in Term Three.








The Year 6 students will have the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of a problem or situation in society which they could try to prevent, overcome or improve with the use of technology. 


They will undertake their investigation both individually and with their peers. Through the exhibition, students demonstrate their ability to take responsibility for their learning, and their capacity to take action, as they are actively engaged in planning, presenting and assessing learning.


Whole-school Focus on PYP Learner Profile

May: Thinkers

June: Balanced