Campus Principal's Report



Richard Hastings

Acacia Campus Principal



In a blink of an eye we are 5 weeks into term 2, the halfway point. Very quickly we will find ourselves in the examination, assessment and reporting cycle. In the busy and ever changing world of education and schools this is the one thing you can rely on, the assessment and reporting cycle. 


We have had in the past few weeks a vast array of activities and excursions which include, but were not limited to: Southern Zone Swimming Carnival, Victorian High Achievers Program Masterclass for Year 8 students and subsequent sessions, Year 11 Environmental Science “River Detectives" Water Sampling Program, Wellbeing lunchtime activities for all levels, Year 7 and 8 boys and girls Inter School Volleyball, Year 11 Study Crew after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Homework club for all students on Wednesday afterschool, No Limits program, Year 8 Kryal Castle History excursion, Melbourne Youth Leadership Conference for our student leaders, SELLEN trade expo, senior boys soccer, senior girls netball, VCE and Careers Expo at Caulfield racecourse, Year 10 Comparative Writing excursion , Year 9 Engineers Without Borders guest speaker, Year 10 STEM Bio Eyes, Year 9 Zoo visit and of course the Year 8 Camp to Lord Somers.


Amongst all those opportunities of excursions, sports, incursions, speakers our students and staff are still focused on progressing through their ‘normal’ classes. These opportunities provide valuable real life experiences of the world in which we live, whether it be work related, scientific, commercial, sporting or social. Every event, every excursion, every guest brings yet another dimension into their learning and educational experience. 


One of the changes that was made through the department in the last few years was the mobile phone ban. Whilst initially there was quite a reaction, it has settled over time. Since our return from remote learning it has continued smoothly. Why bring this up? Well from my own (and other peoples) observations the amount of physical activity, both organised and random playground fun, occurring during breaks has increased three fold. Added to this the social interaction between students whilst on their breaks is heart-warming to see. It feels like a return to pre-mobile obsession days.


We also had our open night, and I must compliment the staff for the presentations on display, and a particular thank you to the maintenance team of Paul and Rohan for their tireless work to keep our great Campus looking sparkling and inviting. We had a fantastic turn out and the feedback from prospective families has been excellent. 


The holidays saw the commencement of two small building projects. The first was the installation of a gigantic shade sail in between the two Junior buildings and the second was a retaining wall/seating around the canteen to provide more areas for student to sit during breaks. Students and staff may have also noticed the addition of some new picnic settings in the courtyard to replace some very old and deteriorated settings. During the next holiday break we will be upgrading the current dilapidated garden edging to provide a nicer environment and more seating in one of the busiest areas of the school.





Patrick Boyd

Banksia Campus




Year 7

•     Year 7 students have well and truly settled into the Keysborough College way of life. There were almost 40 Year 7 students who attended the Banksia Campus Open Night to assist and represent the college. 

•     In Week 2, 80 Grade 6’s from local primary schools came to Keysborough College for the first “Keysborough Excellence Program”. Students’ gave glowing reviews about the engaging activities and use of facilities during the program.

•     A busy few weeks recently with NAPLAN testing, excursions and incursions and first-ever Secondary School exams. 

Year 8

•     Last week the year 8 camp took place at Lord Somers camp for both Acacia and Banksia students. The camp offers a variety of activities including beach and aquatic, hiking, cultural and indigenous engagement indoor activities, initiative and confidence-building programs. The feedback from students and staff was very positive on their return

•     The Kryal Castle excursion on 7 May was a resounding success and augmented the students’ current study of Medieval times.

Year 9

•     Year 9 students have just completed their Mock Interviews as part of their Work Skills unit; the students were extremely professional and were complimented on how seriously they took them. Interviewers volunteered and were real employers and careers specialists.

•      Year 9 Science excursion to the zoo last Wednesday was very successful and informative.

•      NAPLAN began last week; students are thoroughly prepared after their trial test a few weeks ago and have quickly settled to complete the testing.

Year 10

•      Year 10 students have recently increased their vision and knowledge in regards to careers. It has been made clear to students that they must find appropriate work experience placements within the next 4-5 weeks. Some students have already confirmed their placements and completed the necessary paperwork. Meanwhile all students are to complete their Safe @ Work certificates, prior to completing a Safe @ Work Industry certificate. Included within the careers focus has been 2 recent excursions. Some Year 10 students attend the SELLEN Trade expo at the Cranbourne Racecourse, while all Year 10 students attended the VCE/VCAL career expo at Caulfield Racecourse.

•      Other important additions to the Year 10 curriculum has included valuable Incursions attended by the whole of Year 10. Recently we had an Alumni member present to Year 10 students about Job Interviews, Resumes, References, and associated tips and tricks. I hope that these lessons will help our students to succeed in gaining casual/part time employment. Another incursion was the Pat Cronin Foundation, which informed students of the dangers of violence and the “Coward Punch”.

•      Finally, a positive for Year 10 students in the wake of Covid 19 – there will be a Year 10 camp this year! After they missed City Experience last year, and the cancellation of the Year 10/11 Queensland camp it’s great for them to finally have the ability to go to Illuka Retreat later in the year.

Year 11

•     The focus this term for all Year 11 students is the exploration of careers and future pathways. This has included using the new College resource – The Careers Department, hearing from past Alumni and attending the VCE and Careers Expo.

•     Students also had a visit from the Monash Access team who delivered the very inactterive Uniopoloy program that focused on the entry requirements for courses and opportunities for Scholarships.

Year 12

•     Recently the Vic Electoral Commission presented to all year 12’s during their Pathways session. Students learned about the electoral system and voting. They also were given information on how to register to vote so that they can take part in future elections both state and federal. A message from the College Principal