College matters

Digital Delivery Day - Wednesday 9 June
This Digital Delivery Day (DDD) has been scheduled to facilitate the GAT for VCE Unit 3 & 4 students and allow year 9 to 11 students to prepare for their exams.
Further details will be advised in due course.
From next Tuesday 1 June only winter uniform can be worn. Summer and winter uniform items cannot be mixed and matched. The tights and scarfs are winter items and should not be worn with a summer dress. As previously advised, only the MGSC logo scarf is allowable.
Second-hand uniform shop
The PFA run second-hand uniform shop will be closed over the lockdown and on Friday 4 June. It will next be open on Tuesday 8 June.
It will not open on the student free day planned for Tuesday 15 June or on the last day of term, Friday 25 June.
The usual operating hours are Tuesday 2.45pm to 3.45pm and Friday 8.15am to 9.15am during school term.
Carol Duggan
Assistant Principal