Principal's message

Dear MGSC Community
It is hard to believe that it is week six of term 2 already and the energy and momentum of MGSC is remains in top gear.
We celebrated International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia & Transphobia Day (IDAHOBIT) which seeks to raise awareness of the work still needed to be done to combat discrimation. The students were able to show their support by wearing rainbow coloured scarves or simply one colour of the rainbow to acknowledge the day. As a school one of our values is diversity in the broadest possible terms. Every day I see inclusiveness and acceptance at our terrific school and it makes me feel so proud to be the Principal.
Last week the VCE Theatre Studies students performed their assessment play. Many parents and friends came along on Wednesday and Thursday evening to be in the audience. The play was entertaining and amusing. Timing is everything in comedies and the actors performed so well. A huge thanks to their teacher and director Jenny Connolly who spent many Sundays as well as a day in the holiday with our students rehearsing and preparing.
We also held the Cross Country which was the first all school event on the upgraded track and field oval. Luckily, the weather was on our side this year.
It’s Education Week. and this year Building Connections with our local communities and strengthening bonds with families and carers is the theme. Now in it's 77th year, Education week runs from 23 - 29 May.
Best wishes
Linda Brown