Sport and competition

MGSC Cross Country wrap up

Congratulations to all students in years 7 to 9 for competing in the House Cross Country event held on Tuesday 18 May. This was our first official use of the synthetic track and upgraded oval. The weather was kind and the grey clouds cleared and the sun peeped through by race start time. Well done to all students and a special mention to the year 10 'Sports Coaching 'and year 10 'Inside Human Body' classes overseen by Mr Hull and Mrs Mathews who assisted in various duties. 


A special mention to the age group champions.

Age groupStudent 
12 -13 year oldMeg Perkin
14 year oldPippi Brailey
15 year oldFreya Brown
16 year oldDana Bahlieda
17 year oldLucy Belleville

They will be awarded  medals at the next full school assembly. 


The house totals have also been calculated and well done to Mackellar who were clearly the overall winners on the day. 


4th place – Kenny with 384 points

3rd place – Jackson with 627 points

2nd place – Melba with 746 points

1st place – Mackellar with 1243 points

Beachside Cross Country 

On Friday 21 May, 40 students went to Karkarook Park in Heatherton to compete in the Beachside Cross Country event. Thank you to Mr De Munk, Mrs Mathews and Ms Baleisis for accompanying the students. Well done to all students and particularly those that qualified for the Southern Metropolitan Regional round to be held on Monday 21s June at Cruden Farm. Information will be provided to those students that are successful in competing.

Round Robin Wrap up

Unfortunately, due to rain, the year 8 SMR tennis competition was cancelled. A new date is yet to be determined but once confirmed this will be communicated to the team.


On Tuesday 25 May the intermediate netball and badminton teams went out to compete in their Round Robins. Well done to these students involved and thank you to the staff coaches, Miss O’Hara, Ms Peach and Ms D’Adamo.


All the best to our year 7 and 8 teams participating in upcoming Round Robins. 


Parents/Guardians are reminded that consent must be provided to your child prior to the day using the link sent to you via email. Students who do not receive consent prior to will remain at school as normal.

Bread bag recycling rewards 

Keep collecting your bread bags. MGSC has registered and will be collecting bags towards sports equipment or we could win an exercise circuit made from recycled plastic. More details to come. 


Ilana Parker

House competition and interschool sports coordinator