Star Students 


Well done everyone on your amazing efforts!


Evie R


Fletcher K


Amelia D

For working hard during writing sessions to record all the sounds you know.

For Helping group navigate around the photo trail.


For applying your letter-sound knowledge & sight words into reading & writing.


Tate   W  


Ellie W



Ruby C


Logan M


Holly O

For being a keen learner who always tries his best.


For always helping others even when your not asked too, Especially cleaning the classroom.


For working so hard to learn to spell her M200 words.


For becoming a 'Golden Words" detective and seeing them Everywhere.


For being a curious learner.


Piper H



For passing her violet words.


For working hard to learn the friends of 10 facts.


Liam C


Thomas B         

For continuously working hard to improve his Blitzmaster results.


For a well prepared VIP presentation.


Zali R


Tori D


Kieren G


Jett G

For demonstrating our school value of achievement.


For always showing persistence with her work and striving to do her best.

For working really hard during our whole class spelling inquiry.


For showing empathy to a fellow classmate when they were distressed.


Taylor M


Logan I


Bridie D


Hayley S

For excellent work on our bank balance task in maths.


For an Excellent persuasive writing piece.


A very well written & detailed narrative on 'The Strange Egg'.


For  excellent researching on your Australian history significant event project.