JARS Inquiry 

Inquiry by Elijah, Eamon & Huxley

In Inquiry we’ve been learning about force and motion. We looked into gravity and how it acts upon things. We learned that any two objects dropped, no matter the mass, will always fall at the same time. The Grade 4’s did an experiment on a watermelon, where they put enough elastic bands on it that the force on every side was so great that it caused the watermelon to explode in two. We learned that forces are always either a push or a pull and that they are put in two different categories: action at a distance and contact forces.


Maths by Baxter, Miles & Gwynn

In maths we are learning about place value and time. While learning about place value we learnt how to find numbers on a number line, Base 10 and digits. While learning about time we learnt how to convert measurements to time, 24 hour time and how to read different types of clocks. We set goals for ourselves and hopefully achieved them. Throughout this term we will learn more about these topics and set more goals. It has been a lot of fun and we can't wait to learn more!


Writing by Sam, Nico & Thomas A

In our fabulous Writing sessions we are lucky enough to write our own nonfiction texts. Also we get to write about any type of nonfiction topic. We also get to learn about this really cool thing called Author’s Purpose and who your audience is. We are having an incredible blast in writing!


Spelling by Moksha, Zahir & Thomas S

In Spelling we are working on sounds and we are doing activities such as Scrabble study, Rainbow Study, Pyramid Study and many more. Rainbow study is when you write your spelling words in a rainbow.


Reading by Marlo, Theo and Mihnea

In reading we have been reading about different types of forces. We have also been learning whether a nonfiction source is reliable or not and how the author tries to influence us. We have also been working in Literature Circle groups and practicing critically discussing what we are reading.


Wellbeing by Orla, Summer and Aggy

Greetings fellow humans. In Wellbeing we learned about the Onion of Friendship which has different layers of friendship. Next we learned about the friendship styles like tribal, peas in a pod and bouncy ball.