Health News


Food Allergy Week aims to raise awareness regarding food allergies which can be potentially life threatening.




A new survey of Australians living with food allergy has found that more than 80% believe the community confuses the potentially life-threatening medical condition with lifestyle choices, such as being vegan or disliking certain foods. Here is some further information you may find helpful. 

  • A food allergy is an immune system response to a food protein that the body mistakenly believes is harmful. When the individual eats food containing that protein, the immune system releases massive amounts of chemicals, triggering symptoms that can affect a person’s breathing, gastrointestinal tract, skin and/or heart.
  • Symptoms of food allergy can include; hives, swelling of the lips, face and eyes, swelling of the tongue, breathing difficulty, abdominal pain, vomiting or a sudden drop in blood pressure. If left untreated, these symptoms can be fatal. An adrenaline auto-injector (Epipen) is the first line of treatment for a severe allergic reaction.
  • It is important for parents to advise the school if your child has food allergies, please see the school nurse to update records where necessary.
  • Anyone at any age can develop a food allergy. We need to remove the stigma from this condition, to ultimately reduce the risk, prevent life-threatening emergencies and save lives. Food allergy is not a lifestyle choice.
  • Food allergy is the leading cause of (severe reactions) anaphylaxis outside the hospital setting.


Here are some video resources explaining allergies and anaphylaxis which you may find helpful.




Keeping each other safe at school is all about :

AWARENESS  - Being aware of what classmates are allergic to in your child’s class 

AVOIDANCE – Remind your children never to share food at school, and wash hands after eating

ACTION – Get help straight away if a child reacts, and act according to the ASCIA Action Plan.


Please be mindful of food allergies when considering bringing food to school for celebrations. You must speak with your child’s teacher before bringing food to school. Please do not bring in foods or lollies containing nuts.

Thank you for your ongoing assistance.   Please let me know if you have any concerns.