School Report 

Virtual Tour


We remind all current families to please ensure they submit a sibling enrolment form for 2022

Our Prep enrolment campaign for 2022 has now commenced and your support is needed to spread the good news about our school to parents/carers you know who may be looking for a great school to send their child/ren.

Enrolments for 2022 I cannot believe that we are already thinking about student enrolments for 2022 but the time is creeping up on us!  And, if you know of a family who is wanting to join the Launching Place School community in 2022, can I encourage you to remind them to call the office to organise a school tour. This process helps us to get to know your little one in support of their transition to school. Further information on our enrolment process please contact Audrey at the front office on 59647783. 2022 enrolments need to be submitted by 25th June, 2021.

Remote and Onsite learning

Once again we all have been trussed into remote and onsite learning. We have seen some wonderful work for the competition coming through Facebook if you have not seen them please jump onto the Launching Place Primary School Facebook page and have a look. The LPPS students have done some amazing things. LPPS would like to take this time to congratulate and acknowledge our students, families and staff for their unwavering efforts over this tricky period for all. 


Healthy food helps stimulate a child’s brain so they can work to their fullest potential. It all starts with breakfast. At LPPS, we believe in a healthy start to the day.   Breakfast Club is available to all students and is completely free. Students meet in the canteen for cereal, toast, fruit and baked beans. 

The program runs between 8.10 am to 8:40am, every Tuesday and Thursday. 

We hope to see you there!!

 Reporting Hazards

We are continually looking at ways to improve our school grounds and keep our 

students safe when playing outside.  Quite often parents report things which they 

notice such as a nail poking out, broken boards etc.  To streamline this process, a Report Book has been placed in the foyer near the COMPASS iPAD.  Please write any concerns that you have regarding our yard.  We will endeavour to fix problems asap.

Thank you for your help with this process.


All orders and payments are to be made online.  Thank you.