Principal's Report 


I wanted to start today’s newsletter by saying how incredibly proud I am of all our students for their participation in our remote learning program over the last 2 weeks. The approach we took to remote learning this time was different to that of 2020, and I am so pleased with the level of student engagement and effort in our program over the last 2 weeks. I have really enjoyed the opportunity to join in on the daily class webexes and get to see everyone’s smiling faces! 

While this round of remote learning has definitely been a success, we were so incredibly excited to be welcome our students back onsite today. We certainly missed you all and are very much looking forward to being back at school for the last 2 weeks of term 2.


After an incredibly successful 2 weeks of remote learning, I do want to say a huge thank you to our staff team, who swiftly switched into remote learning mode and who put many hours of thought, preparation and work into our most recent remote learning program. We are incredibly fortunate to have such dedicated and hardworking teachers who always work to ensure the best possible outcomes for our students – and these last 2 weeks of remote learning is certainly evidence of that.

I would also like to say another huge thank you, but this time to our parents and carers. I cannot express enough how grateful and appreciate we all are of your support of our remote learning program over the last 2 weeks. The success of this program would simply not be possible without your support, so from our entire staff team, we say a big thankyou to each and every one of you!

Together, we really did do a fantastic job of remote learning over the past 2 weeks.



As our tabloid sports day had to be postponed due to our school closure on Friday, we will now be holding a tabloid sports day for our students on Friday the 25th of June (the last day of term 2). Students will participate in 9 different activities throughout the morning in multi-age CARER teams. A big thank you to Mr.D for all the work he put into the planning and preparation of this event.



Our semester 1 parent/teacher interviews will be held on Wednesday the 23rd of June from 1.30pm – 6pm. Bookings can be made via Compass, and we encourage all parents to make a time to speak with their child’s teacher on this day.





It’s hard to believe but it is that time of year again! If you have a child who will be starting Prep in 2022 with us, please pop into the office to collect an enrolment pack ASAP as we have already begun planning for next year. We ask that these kindly be returned by the end of term. 




Our semester 1 student reports will be available on Compass in the afternoon of Tuesday the 22nd of June. A printed copy of the reports will also be sent home along with your child’s portfolio on this day.



At some stage over the next couple of weeks, we will be having an offsite evacuation drill. It is a department requirement that we practice our emergency management drills at least once per term, as this practice helps us to refine our evacuation processes, and identify any issues that need addressing in the event that we should ever need to use them.




The term 2 school holiday break will begin on Friday the 25th of June. School will finish early on this day at 2.30pm and students will need to be collected at this time.

Term 3 will begin on Monday the 12th of July.




In a further effort to promote a positive school community we are increasing the number of posts shared to our school Facebook page. Our Facebook page is for promoting a sense of community and will be used to provide families with information about events and activities and positive achievements within our school. The page won’t replace regular communication modes (such as Compass and the newsletter), rather, it will communicate through social media many of the interesting, exciting, fun and terrific learning activities of our students, giving you the chance to interact with “likes” and comments. Please search for Launching Place Primary School on Facebook, to like and follow our page.


Have a fantastic 2 weeks ahead!