Middle Unit 

Years 1 and 2

This Term the Year 1 and 2 children are learning about light and sound in our science topic ‘Look! Listen!’ We have been conducting lots of fun and interesting activities exploring the properties of light and sound. Here are some of the things we have learned about sound:

  •  Today I learned that sound can travel long and short distances. I know this because on the “rail and pen” activity when I was at the end and came closer I could hear it the whole way through. I am wondering if it can go really long or extremely shortAnna
  • Today I learned that sound can make vibrations. I know this because in the ruler and table activity it (the ruler) was vibrating. I am wondering if it can go for a long distance. Madison
  • Today I learned that sound is still loud when it travels through solid objects. I know this because it was louder than I thought it was going to be. I am wondering if sound can travel through liquid.  Odin
  • Today I learned that sound can travel through stuff with air in it. I know this because of the balloon activity. I am wondering if sound can travel through very little air (like in space). Izzy

Year 3

Year 3’s have been continuing to work on their kindness challenge. Here are some more answers to our Day 12 challenge to write a piece for the school newsletter explaining why you enjoy school.

  • I like going to school because I feel safe, have fun, get to see my amazing teachers and friends and I get to have lots of fun and play games. Another reason I love school is because there are so many nice kids and incredible teachers. At recess I like to play games. That’s why I love going to school. By Eliza MU7
  • I like this school because you can learn new things each day and there’s new information you can learn at school. I love this school so much. There are also loving and amazing teachers. Jenny is great in the canteen, so thank you Jenny. Thank you to all the other teachers for working at this school. By Annie MU7


Year 3 students are participating in Inter-school Cricket in mid November. They have been practising on Wednesday afternoons with Miss Radz and Mr Spilsted. Here are some shots of the team.

Thank you to all the parents who came to the Family Maths night. We had a wonderful time sharing new maths games with you! Here are some photos of the fun we had.

Year 3 Teachers

Miss Geer, Mrs Meggs and Miss Radz, Mrs Lenders