Senior Unit

School Leadership Speeches

This Friday sees the Year 5 students give their speeches to become a Student Leader in 2020. Every student in Year 5 has been writing a speech about why they would be a great leader for the school and had to decide if they would deliver it to the Year 4/5/6 students. We wish all our nominees the best of luck for tomorrow and we hope to make an announcement in the coming weeks. 

Model Prisms

This week we made models from three prisms. Students printed out three prisms of their choice to make a model or an interpretation of something. This proved to be a extremely engaging and fun task. 

Flex-Learning Symposium

This week we had our Flex-Learning Symposium. This is where our students get into groups to share their learning. The idea is that one Flex-Learner presents their inquiry question to the group and details their journey and what they’ve learnt so far. The other members act as questioners and fact-checkers. The Year 5/6 students presented with confidence and were able to articulately describe their knowledge.