Student Awards & Achievements

Students of the Week - Assembly 25.10.19

JU1 - Edie

For using extra details in her story writing.

JU2 - Charli

For her outstanding classroom behaviour.  Always a delight to have in the class.

MU1 - Comac

For showing such a huge improvement in your behaviour.  You are becoming such a responsible class member.

MU2 - Flynn

For being an amazing role model for his class.  Well done!

MU3 - Phillipa

For always completing her work to an excellent standard with beautiful presentation!

MU4 - Abby

For sharing some really interesting ideas about how sound travels.

MU5 - Hugo

For working so hard on your handwriting.  Keep up the good work!

MU6 - Polly

For her excellent graph, surveying MU6's favourite month of the year and publishing it on the computer.

MU7 - India-Rose

For her detailed drawings and neat presentation of her 'My Place in the World' circles.

MU8 - Liam

For demonstrating our school value 'Be a Learner' by continuously challenging himself during Maths.

CU1 - Inga

For always sharing her ideas and learning creatively and being kind and supportive when working with others.

CU2 - Astrid

For her great work describing character traits and motivations in Reading.

CU3 - Chloe

For always listening closely and giving her thoughts and ideas during class discussions.

SU1 - Alex

For showing excellent expression while practising for his role in his group's Reader's Theatre play.  You rock!!

SU2 - Edward

For consistently living all four school values and being an all-round SU2 superstar.  Great job Ed!

SU3 - Espen

For always demonstrating the school value of 'Be Respectful' by listening and showing respect.  Well done.

Artists of the Week

This week Year 1 students looked at the artwork of some famous artists.  One of the paintings was Monet's 'Water Lillies'.  The students then painted their own water lily and bridge picture.  Great work Year 1.

Special Artists of the Week are:  Tessa, Kiara, Alex, Ben, Tom, Lachlan, Rhys, Lacey, Grace, Imogen, Madison, Jayden and Pippa.


This week Year 4 students made 3-D pictures of a bird in a nest.  This art work involved painting, collage and paper work.  Everyone worked hard on their creation and the pictures look terrific on the art room wall.  Great work Year 4.

Special Artists of the Week are:  Dakota, Jayden, Josh, Kitty, Zara, Astrid, Gemma, Luca, Kurt, Lucy, Shy, Lucas and Ben.


Special Mention

Tom, Hibiki, Ian, Ayden and Paddy worked together to produce this great picture called 'The Winter World'.   Great work boys.






Artists' work is on display outside the art room, library and in the office foyer, please stop by for a look at the great work.