Learning Centre News...

Learning Centre 2

It's hard to believe we now enter into our last week of Term One.  All Year Three and Four students are to be congratulated for the way they have settled into the routines of learning and exploring.  These photos offer a glimpse into our Inquiry concept of learning all about me, preparing for our Holy Week Paraliturgy  and  social skills learning about teamwork.

A reminder for all students to keep using their writers journal over the holidays to draw images and list new and unfamiliar words students may come across on their travels to use in their writing next term. 

Learning Centre 4

As Term One draws to a close the LC4 team would like to acknowledge all students in LC4 and commend them on the way they have approached their learning & stepped up as leaders of our school community.  We would also like to thank all parents for the support they have shown to all members of the LC4 Learning Community. 

We encourage all students to keep reading over the holidays & enjoy time spent with family and friends.  We look forward to working with you all again in Term 2.

Learning Centre 3 

First of all I would like to thank our wonderful LC3 community for your support during this very difficult time. 

It is hard to believe that Term 1 is nearly over.  We thank you for your understanding with all that has been going on in our Community at OLSC. 

LC3 Team

Learning Centre 1

Just a reminder that from Monday Week 9 we will conclude take home books for Term 1.  A big thank you to all families for supporting their child with reading each night and recording this in their reading diary. Thank you to the parents who have been recording our books each day. 


Today we had our final Big Write for Term 1. The prep students did an amazing job of writing about Eric Carle texts that they have been reading throughout the Term. Below is a checklist you can continue to use at home to assist in prompting your child when they are writing at home. We have also been working on rehearsing what it is that we want to write by saying aloud our sentence first. 

This week we have been learning about 2D shapes. The Prep students have had a fun time exploring and experimenting with different shapes and creating their own images using shapes. You can continue this work by going on a Shape Hunt at home and finding and naming all the shapes in your home. 


As our term concludes we encourage you to continue reading daily at home and rehearsing and writing sentences about things they are doing each day. We look forward to continuing to support all of the exciting learning happening in your child's life during term 2.

Wishing you all many blessings and please stay safe.

LC1 Team