Principal's Chat

Good Afternoon All,


I would like to sincerely thank the community for the calm and sensible approach as the COVID-19 situation poses more and different challenges.  It seems the situation changes each day as the situation in Australia and worldwide develops.  I am sure I can safely speak on behalf of all parents in thanking the staff for their continued care and commitment shown to the students of Our Lady of the Southern Cross and the outstanding work they do in challenging times.  


The current directive from Catholic Education Commission of Victoria (CECV) and the Department of Health and Human Services is that schools remain open (letter from Victorian Chief Health Officer, Professor Brett Sutton in Community News Section).  


End of term one

Term one will come to a close on Friday 27th March at 1.00pm.  I ask all parents and carers to be aware of the earlier finish time.  Quantin Binnah will be offering after school care - bookings required.  


If your child is unwell - Reminder  

Our first priority at Our Lady of the Southern Cross School is the health and safety of our school community.   We are being provided the latest advice from the Australian and Victorian Chief Medical Officers by the CECV to ensure that our school practices are helping to keep our school community safe from the outbreak.  In this spirit we ask that parents assist us keeping the community safe.  Families share a crucial role in helping manage this situation:

  • Parents are asked to demonstrate a more conservative approach than usual and exercise good judgement by keeping children home if they are feeling unwell for any reason and communicate this absence with the office
  • Students with any symptoms including fever, cough, sore throat or congestion should not come to school and remain at home until the symptoms have subsided
  • Parents will be contacted to collect their children if they present as ill during the school day
  • Ensure that children wash hands thoroughly using soap and water or hand sanitiser

Enrolment Information Night - Cancelled 

Due to the current situation and restrictions on crowds we were forced to postpone our planned enrolment information night.  The date was going to be Monday March 23rd and a new date will be set for later in the year (hopefully term 2). 


As we are trying to keep our school as safe as possible all school tours for prospective families have been cancelled until it is deemed safe to open the school to visitors again.  School tours will advertised later in the year. Enrolments for Prep 2021 are now open!  Please contact the office for enrolment forms.  


Sacrament of Reconciliation 

I thank everyone for their understanding in regards to the Sacrament of Reconciliation cancellation this week.  At this stage an alternative date has not been set and as soon as we have a new date it will be communicated to all year three families.    


Community Mass 

Last Saturday we had our first community mass for 2020.  It was a great turn out and many people from the community attended.  The next community mass is planned for Saturday 18th April at 5.00 pm.  Due to the current directive in regards to cancellations of parish masses and restrictions to gathering outside of 500 people or less and less than a 100 inside we will need to reassess if it is possible for our next community mass to go ahead closer to the time.   


I thank everyone for their continued support especially as there are so many unknowns at the moment in regards to COVID-19 and the rapidly evolving situation this presents.  I sincerely hope that you all manage to turn off the news and can relax and enjoy the weekend.    See you next week!

