Giving at Friends'

Friends' Fellowship

Thanks to the generosity of The Friends’ School community, applications for The Friends’ Fellowship 2019 are now open.

The Friends’ Fellowship is a needs-based fee assistance package for a new student entering Year 11 in 2019 that has been funded by The Friends’ School community. We are looking for a student who is committed to their own education, committed to helping others, to being involved in the school community, to being a positive contributing member of our school community.


Do you know someone who fits this description or have people in your networks who might? Please send them the link below and help us find our Fellowship recipient.


Further information and the online application form can be found here.


If you haven’t already contributed and would like to make a donation please visit:

Friends' Together 2018

Friends' Together 2018

The generosity of The Friends’ School community is as strong as ever. Together we raised $35,510 during Friends’ Together 2018, including $27,475 for the Friends’ Fellowship. Thank you to all our generous donors who have now made the Friends’ Fellowship a reality for a new student to start at Friends’ next year.


Thank you also to those who donated to the Argyle Street Canteen and Information Literacy at the Friends’ Libraries. We will bring you more detail about these important projects in the near future.


Friends’ Together 2018 is proof of what we can achieve together and the impact we can have on the educational experience of students at Friends’. To learn more about the giving programs at Friends’ and to get involved, please contact Lucy Loney, Development Manager, or Bill Avery, Director of Community Engagement. You can also visit the website to see more information.

Regular Giving - Online Donation Form Updated

During the Annual Giving program this year, a number of generous community members offered to make ongoing donations to the school on a regular basis. This structure is already in use by staff members and we have now updated the Online Giving Form so that those community members with the capacity and desire to give regularly are able to do so.


You can see the updated form here: Regular Giving Online Form


Small gifts or large, it’s participation that matters most at Friends — we value the generous support of our community and recognise that any contribution is significant to the future of our School and our students. Our community is what differentiates us and we are very grateful for any support we receive for our students and staff. Every gift makes a difference.