Our Learning

Morris International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program (PYP) Evaluation

The classrooms were alive and teachers were focussed as they all returned from the long weekend in March to host the PYP Evaluation.  The Evaluation process occurs every 5 years and it is the IB system for maintaining consistency and standards of practice across all authorised IBPYP Schools worldwide. Over the 18 months prior to the visit, the Morris community, including staff, parents, School Leadership and Board members were involved in a self-review process against the 77 Standards and Practices of the IB PYP.  Through this process, areas of competency were celebrated and areas for development were identified and written into an action plan to focus upcoming development at Morris. The Evaluation process recognised and commended The Friends’ School in 10 areas, which included:

  • promoting a culture of understanding and respect involving all members of the school community,
  • development of a distributive leadership structure that is built upon effective communication and transparency empowering all stakeholders to have ownership,
  • strong pedagogical leadership and facilities,
  • professional development that supports the PYP program,
  • a comprehensive support programme and effective teaching and learning through information technology and
  • the success of the Exhibition.

Alongside these commendations the evaluators acknowledged the areas that had already been self identified as areas for development and provided recommendations in others. These include: to further investigate strategies to support mother tongue languages, to further explore opportunities for collaboration among all teaching staff and in all subject areas, to continue to build approaches to differentiation for students, to review aspects of the written curriculum and investigate how student agency and ownership can empower student learning.


The evaluation process reaffirmed the implementation of the PYP as the framework for teaching and learning at Morris. Its focus on developing internationally minded people who have the skills to make informed decisions supports and upholds the School’s Purpose and Concerns.

Visit of BJ Brooks

Benjamin (BJ) Brooks is a prolific writer of band and choir music from Texas, United States. Several of our students met BJ when attending the West Texas A&M University Band camp in 2016. It was further to that visit that BJ came to Friends’ in May of this year.


Whilst at the School, BJ worked with a number of Friends’ students, including the School’s Composition Club, and rehearsed with the Wind Ensemble playing one of his pieces, Ascension. Our students thoroughly enjoyed working with BJ, responding strongly to his vast knowledge of music, and his gentle and humorous approach. His visit concluded with BJ conducting the Wind Ensemble at a concert that featured a number of local community and school bands.

Over the Overland Track

Here we have some beautiful shots from the recent Overland Track trip for Years 10 and 12 Outdoor Education students. This trip allows our Year 12 Outdoor Education students to practice their outdoor leadership skills and it's a fantastic adventure for all involved.