Term Two begins in Prep/One
The children have hit the ground running this term. We have continued with our LIPs program, learning the sounds and how to write them in English. We have been reading everyday! The children have been reading library books, readers and books online at EPIC! Don’t forget to help your child practise their ‘sight words’ in the zip lock bag in their reader bag. We are sending our Flat Stanleys off next week so if you haven’t sent in your addressed envelope to your special person please do so ASAP!
We have been working on measuring length in Maths using informal units such as blocks and counters. We have also looked at the concept of area and how many counters or cards fit on a given object to work out which one is bigger. In Number, we have introduced the children to ‘more’ and ‘less’, counting and labelling groups. The children have been extended by using the ‘greater than’ and ‘less than’ mathematical symbols > <. We have also begun exploring addition using concrete materials and games.
Congratulations to all the children that completed their family tree project. This lead to lots of discussion about where we come from and where our ancestors come from. In our Investigation time, we have added an international flavour. We have set up a travel agency to explore different countries around the world and linking it to where our families and ancestors were born. It was amazing to see that our families and extended families come from so many countries around the world! Finding them on the world globe has been very interesting for the children. The children will be receiving an interview sheet so that they can interview a grandparent or older family friend about life in the past. Coming up in June, we are heading to Coal Creek for an excursion to have a look at what life was like in the ‘Olden Days’.
Mother’s Day is coming up and we have been working on some secret business...but don’t forget the Mother’s Day Stall held at school on Friday the 11th (Dads please send along some money if you wish for your child to buy a present). Also, don’t forget the Mother’s Day Spa Day at 2:45pm on Friday the 11th of May. Pampering awaits all Mums and Mum substitutes!
Natalie, Wendi and kids
Year 1/2
During spelling lessons we have started learning about different syllable types, so far we have learned about closed, open and silent-e syllables. The students have enjoyed reading and spelling real and non-sense words that fit these syllable types. While reading we are practising sounding out words and choosing a good fit book. In Maths we have been learning about addition and measuring length. We have also started completing regular speed maths to build up our skills at making quick addition calculations within 10. The students have enjoyed working through the lessons in our health/history unit and we have looked at our family trees and are excited about interviewing our grandparents and sharing their responses to discuss the difference between the past and the present. During our Play is The Way learning we are now working on 'Pursue your personal best no matter who you are working with' through some fun but challenging games. We are looking forward to the Mother's Day Spa afternoon on Friday 11th May, all mums, grans or special friends are welcome to come and be pampered by the students.
Mel & Kerry