Students of the Week

The following students will receive their certificates assemblies on the following dates:

Friday 5th February

All of Prep A - For being such amazing Preps. You have settled into school so well.  We may need to send you straight to Grade 1!

All of Prep B - For such wonderful Preps! You settled into school like superstars and you are all BRILLIANT!!  Prep B for Brilliant! Yay!

Daniel B (12A) - For showing wonderful listening kills and putting up his hand when on the floor.  It's fantastic to see Daniel showing respect and being a good role model.  Keep it up!

All of 34A - For an amazing start to the school year. You have really impressed me with how quickly you have settled into our routines and how kind you are to each other. I know we'll have a fantastic year!

All of 34B - For being such an awesome group and helping to build a positive and helpful class community one brick at a time.  What great creativity with your LEGO characters!  your teachers are super happy with how you are working as a team.

Finn D (56A) - For making a great start to MPS.  We are so lucky to have you in our class.  It's great to see all the effort you have been putting in.  Keep up the great work.

Savannah M (56B) - For having an amazing first week at Marlborough. It’s great to have your warm energy and positivity in our class!

Friday 12th February 

Zephyr A (12A) - For doing his Personal Best by including lots of details in his work.  He has also helped his peers when they are struggling, giving encouragement and ideas for others to achieve their Personal Best too!