Around the School 



Office, Library, OHSC & Canteen News!


Welcome back to School everyone! 

Feel free to come and see us in the office 

if you need anything!



The final instalment for 2021 Essential Items are due by 9th February. 

Please ask if you would like a copy of your statement.  


When life gives you lemons..... 





Wednesday 17th & Thursday 18th February

3:30pm - 6:00pm

To book your time slot please visit

Enter code: pzbqk

Please contact your classroom teacher should you require assistance 





New library bags have arrived and will be given to the students the next time they attend their library session.


Some of the new books at the library.
Some of the new books at the library.

Book Club News 2021 

Issue 1 of Book Club is now available. Orders need to be finalised by Tues February 16th.  I would like to encourage you to order items online by LOOP, a convenient and cashless way to obtain books for your children. If you still wish to use cash for now, the order and the money is to be sent to the library.  Our school will still receive commission on sales as it does with cash purchases. You order is sent to the school and will be distributed to your child in the classroom. To activate LOOP visit or download the LOOP app.  and register. Follow the prompts to order the books you want and pay by credit card.


Please contact Chris for any more information about Book Club or Library matters.

Thank you

Chris Quayle




Come and see Sue in the Canteen for all your school lunch needs! 
Below is the link for the 2021 Canteen Menu


Order a "Birthday Pack of Zooper Doopers" for your child's classroom celebration

Contact Sue at the Canteen 

$12.00 a bucket 



                                            Outside School Hours Care: Camp Australia