Year 2 Report

Welcome to Year 2!

We are all looking forward to a wonderful year of learning ahead. 

In this issue of the newsletter you will find an overview of what your child will be learning during Term 1 as well as other important information to remember. 



Throughout Term 1, the students will focus on;

  • Strengthening their counting skills
  • Recognising, modelling, representing and ordering numbers to at least 1000
  • Identifying 2D shapes
  • Flips and slides
Clock Face Chalk Drawing
Clock Face Chalk Drawing

We look forward to  a fantastic term of maths fun and learning!



This term in reading students will be explored to a variety of fairytales. We will focus on the characters, settings,  problems and solutions.  

The reading strategies we will be exploring are;

  • Predicting
  • Sequencing
  • Identifying details
  • Retelling in sequence
Group Discussions about Shared Texts
Group Discussions about Shared Texts

Many of our students have demonstrated an increase in understanding and passion for reading this term! 



In writing this term, we will undertake in Narrative Writing, based on Fable and Fairytales. We will be focusing on the structure of narrative using picture prompts to develop the settings and characters. The students will aim to extend their vocabulary by using adjectives and engaging openers. 

During Term 1 we will also be exposing the students to Procedural texts and incorporating this into our Inquiry Unit. 


We look forward to reading their fairy tales and fables they create! 



Inquiry this term, students will focus on Health and being healthy. 

Some topics we will explore are;

  • Healthy eating
  • being safe around school, home, online and the community
  • identifying the people in the community who can help us
Rising Sea Level Activity
Rising Sea Level Activity




  • School start at 8:50 and finishes at 3:10
  • Students to bring hats, fruit and labelled drink bottles everyday
  • Take Home Reading will begin again in Week 3. All Students will be required to bring their red take home bag back to school every day.
  • 17th & 18th February  - Parent/Teacher interviews (Bookings are now open for this)
  • 11th March - Math's Night
  • 19th March - Harmony Day
  • 1st April - Colour Fun Run

We look forward to a term filled with learning and fun! 


The Grade 2 Team

Donna Oram-Parkinson, Bianca Janakievski, Fiona Briggs and Kerry Hurley.